Sunday, February 21, 2010

What we do...

Before, after, and on none-race days we take care of the snow on the hill.

This is done with scraping it down in lines so that Andrew and his best friend the Snow Blower can blow it away.

Here is Andrew with skis on to make sure that he does not leave a mark in the snow. (He might also be on skis because then he can have the snow blower pull him...)

Some places it is too steep or maybe the snow has to go a lot further then what the snow blower is capable of. In those situations we use a slip and slide set up. This set up is seen here below, which is what we spent our Thursday afternoon on two days ago.

While the race is on we take care of the panels between the gates. Since the mens Super-G had two gates close together on the steep section we had to have a little crew that could take care of it. The crew is Erik, Andrew and I. We would then rotate, so that when you ski down to fix the gate and panel you will be transported up on a snowmobile, and in the mean time the next one will be ready for the next racer to mess up the gate.

Remember there is sometimes only 1.15 minutes between the racers, so you have to be fast.

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