Friday, February 05, 2010

Recap (Sep 09 2009): Big trucks and whales with Nils

Nils is in town so it is all about the whales.... Hmm, that could be interpreted wrong i think.

Anyway, Nils, my good friend from back home a fellow student from CBS is in town before he is heading down to study at University of Washington.

Going home from school today to meet up with Nils for our road trip to Victoria I saw this big truck... Why again is that it has to be so big??

Ok, Nils and I are heading out on a road trip. We are heading for Victoria on Vancouver Island where we want to see some whales. I also want to meet Anne and Huge, whom have helped me with having some stuff shipped over from DC.

When we sailed from Vancouver to Vancouver Island it was at sunset and it was beautiful. We even saw a few killer whales jump in the suns reflection in the water. My small camera was however unable to catch this amazing sight.

Here we are sailing in between some of the small islands between the mainland and Vancouver Island.
Nils is enjoying the last sun of the day...

Nils and I had a great dinner with Anne and Huge's family. Love dinner and just a very nice evening with a lot of Danish hygge.

Here are the photos from Nils and I on the water trying to find Willy.
Nils in his new favorite suit...
Willy is looking good..
ups, that is Willy.
wait, maybe thats willy, aha who cares they are all amazing
Once again we had a beautiful sunset when sailing back to Vancouver.

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