Thursday, February 04, 2010

Recap (Aug 26 2009): Coming back to Utah

So, the boys went back to Denmark after an epic trip. Wow, we better do that again next year.

I then headed for Utah to meet up with Sarah that I know from back home. She was going to study at University of Utah like I did back in the fall of 2007.

To my big surprise Britney (in the middle) was also in town. Ok, not that Britney, however, that would have been cool to have her at our private party!! Anyway, it was Britney from my Gymnasium, who's real name is Christine. She has also lived in Utah and was back to visit her host familly.

A few days earlier I met Sarah, Søren and Christian from Denmark and some of their new friends.

Sarah and I had planned to go on a road trip, and we invited everyone to join, but at the end it was only Søren and Christian that was cool enough to join. More on that later.

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