Monday, July 05, 2010

Sun, Rome, Berlin, thesis, the World Cup, Tour de France

Finally the clouds went away and the sun has now become a regularity here in Copenhagen. The temperature has jumped and all my windows now have to be open during the night to keep my apartment cool.

I'm heading to Rome on Thursday with the flag football team to play in the Champions Bowl. I will try to post as much as I can from the event, but my focus will be on playing and for us to win the tournament.

The following week I will be in Berlin with Bernhard, Lasse and Magnus.

The world cup is coming to an end and for now I am beating Bernhard big time in our fantasy league.

The tour (le Tour de France) started Saturday and I am once again in the fantasy league and all ready in a close race with my good friend Anders. We have done it a few years, but nothing will beat the first year we did it in 2007. I ended up being the fifth best in Denmark and won a bike!

That is all for now, but with traveling coming up, there is bound the be a lot of pictures soon to the posted here.


Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Another Mammoths flag football video with tribute to Greenzone

Mammoths flag football video

No change in luck, but life goes on!

Despite that my luck have not changed and I have found my bike, things are looking a little better now.

I have been able to sell my old Ferrari computer that a lot of my former fellow students know. It was used to make the unofficial movie from the introduction days in both 2005 and 2006.

I have bought a huge lock for my next bike and is also using it on my current bike. My current bike I have borrowed from some friends - it has two wheels and gets me around copenhagen, but besides that it is really a bike that needs to either be put to rest or needs a weekend spa at a repair and rebuild shop. But a big thanks to the owners for lending it to me.

Football has not been a lot better since last time, so at practice today I will just give it all I have and hopefully continue to improve. I really hope that I will find my game before it is too late in the season.

Holiday plans are about to be done, with a trip to Rome with the flag football team from the 8th-11th of July. The following week will be with the boys to Berlin for an extended weekend. And, finally in August I will attend Skanderborg Music festival.

Stay tuned, I will post two football movies later today.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Not the best time of my life...

The past few days have been hard. Last Thursday I got my bike stolen having parked and locked it on campus. I just spend 1200 dkk ($230) fixing it up for the summer. I have no insurrance, so getting a new bike is a big expense. Normally I would have an insurrance but since returning from Canada I just forgot all about it.

Sunday was Gameday with the flag football team. We won the first game huge, which was against one of our biggest rivals. The second game was against one of the lowest rank games and against some guys we really don't like. I did not perform well on defense and was partly the reason for us loosing. I have never in my life been so dissapointes with my performance and never before do I feel like I let down the team so much.

I hope to get some good news soon.


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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Denmark is a hockey nation!

A few Danes have made it to the NHL, but it is not before now that the world has really gotten a grasp of the potential we have here in DK.

Currently the World championships are taking place in Germany, and Denmark is doing very well. We have beaten Finland 4-1, USA 2-1, and Slovakia 6-0.

On IIHF there is a power ranking which is made as more of a joke, and it is quite funny. Check it out here. It is updated each day, so make sure to look at the archive at the bottom of the page.

Flag Football - the season is on.

Our third game-day was today on a very very rainy Saturday. Normally we have two games per game-day, but one team did not show up and therefore forfeited their games.

We won the game and is now 3-2. I think it is the worst start to the season that my new team has ever had. We are getting up to full speed, but we still have to work hard and stay focussed, to make to the play-off.

One of the best guys on offense, Åke, played his last game today. It is really unfortunately since he has always been very productive and very fast.

Anyway - here are a few photos from the second game day:

What the.... rain and minus degrees in May!!

We are half way through May, and it is officially summer in two weeks. However, someone controlling the weather must have flipped their board and is giving us fall weather on the northern hemisphere, which should have been down under!

It has been raining the past week and been so cold that I am back at wearing gloves when biking.

I really hope that the weather will soon turn around, so that we can have a wonderful summer, because there is nothing better then a great summer in Copenhagen.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Time has finally come - it is FOOTBALL TIME!

The time has come where I need to perform at my very best. It is the first gameday of the season for my new team - Avedøre Mammoths, and being the defending champions nothing but two wins will be acceptable.

I will have a kind of joker role today, filling in where ever it is needed. Blitzing, cornerback, slot and wide receiver. We need a good start to the season with two victories and I am ready to do what ever is needed, which means that I don't mind running deep routs all day to be a decoy and open of the field for the other players to make some big plays.

It has rained a lot the last few days, but today the clouds are gone, the sun is out, and I am ready to give it all I got.

I'll try to get some photos from today and upload them later.


Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Friday, April 02, 2010

a few photos from Hockey and CBS by night

The stadiums are a lot smaller and the level is lower - but the Danish league in hockey still have some great things to offer. The fans, which you can see in the photo are all standing and singing during the entire game - creating a great atmosphere. And, when someone from your family is playing on one of the teams it is just so much more exciting.
Here is a picture of the CBS main campus at night - looks great.
Taking a break on the stairs outside CBS

Ups - here is an update from CPH

Well, I guess you are all wondering what is happening here in CPH. Sorry for not having updated the blog well.

I have been busy moving in to my new place in CPH. It is a nice two bed room place, close to CBS (Copenhagen Business School) and to downtown.

I am back on the field playing flag football, but I have switched over to a new team - Avedøre Mammoths. They are so good, and I am fighting for getting on the 1. team, which plays in the National League and won it last year.

Tina and I are working hard on the Master Thesis - wow it is going to be demanding. Everything has to be perfect and we expect to learn a lot from it, so there is no cutting corners. To those of you who forgot what the thesis is about, it is about distributed innovation with Novozymes as the case company. The thesis is to be done by August, so at the same time while writing I am also applying for different jobs.

I will soon be back, but for now I just wish you all a Happy Easter.


Thursday, March 04, 2010

Home again in Copenhagen, Denmark

My travel back to Denmark went easy and I arrived safely in Copenhagen yesterday.

I took a small nap and then some of the family came by to say welcome home. It was nice to see them again, and I am looking forward to meeting the rest soon.

I am back on my old Danish number and is looking forward to meeting some of my friends on Saturday. It will take some time to catch up with everyone, but wow, do I look forward to it.

I will soon move back downtown Copenhagen, but will just need a few days to get settled.

A big thanks to all of you who I have met during the past 7 months in Canada and America, you have all made my traveling and adventures unforgettable.

I hope to see you again, and if any of you ever swing by Copenhagen, let me know.


Another article about the Alpine volunteers...

Here is a small article from the Vancouver Sun about the work done by the volunteers at the Alpine events, which is the crew I was part of.

Enjoy the reading.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

I am coming home

I am currently in Seattle, but in about 7 hours I will be on my flight back home to Copenhagen. I can't wait. I am landing at CPH on March 3rd at 12 noon.

I will be back with more updates about how it was to be in Vancouver when Canada one the gold medal hockey game.

Take care and see you all in Copenhagen.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ready for the gold medal hockey game.

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Goodbye Whistler and Olympics

My time as an volunteer has come to an end and that means that my time in Whistler is over. I'm currently heading back to Vancouver to stay at Rebecca and Thomas' place.

As soon as I arrive we are heading for a restaurant to watch the gold medal hockey game.

I still have some things to fix before leaving, including finding red mittens.

It has been a great adventure, but I am more then ready to come home. I miss you all back home and I miss you Copenhagen the best city in the world.

Nyeland is coming home, landing on March 3rd at 12 noon.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just received my last Olympic gift

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We are on standby...

... and I am taking a nap....

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On my way to my last day at 2am!

Today is my last shift and it has only just become Saturday since it is 2am.

We are heading for Hot breakfest and then up the mountain.

Oh well, I just arrived and the breakfest is not a big deal, hence the photo.

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Olympic video #10 Second last day....

Friday, February 26, 2010

Pictures from Ski Cross at Cypress Mountain

Joanna and I infront of the entrance to the venue...
The look from our seats
Sophie is right there in the middle of the photo with bib number 17
yeah - a big Danish flag so that no one behind me can see anything...
I met Sophie quickly between the Qualification and her first heat.
Everywhere I went I made sure that Dannebrog could be seen
Yes, it started to snow.... like we needed that this late - NO
Live painting at the venue.
more live painting...
more, but interesting is it that it is painted by Shalom, one of Terri's friends that Oliver and I met quickly around New Years.
This is also Shalom's - they are absolutely amazing.
here is the evidence - live painting.

Official pannal

Lorraien got one of the official pannals in a give away event. I didn't get one, but really want one, so I hope that they will be giving more away later.

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Olympic Video #9 Two man bobsled

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time qualification

I'm in the stands with Joanna ready to cheer for Sophie, whom is numer 17.

I have seen one other Danish flag. Yeah.

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Good morning - Ski Cross todag - GO Sophie Fjellvang-Sølling

Today it is time for the ski cross event - GO SOPHIE.

I got a ticket yesterday and I have made my plastic flag pole so I am ready to cheer.

Back in Vancouver - building a flag pole.

Great scenery at the water front where people are decorating the sea side.
walking to the home depot across the bridge...
classic photo on the bridge
working on the flag pole...

Mr. Miller wins the super-combined

So, here we are on the slope to take care of the slalom part of the combined.

It is amazing how fast these guys are skiing.
and the weather could not be more perfect.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Slalom race on

My gates.

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Race day - mens super combined

My Danish flag is up and will hopefully be on TV

The gate that I'm taking care of.

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BBQ at the Scandinavian house.

Here is a few photos from the BBQ today. Everyone volunteer or athlete is more then welcome to come by and get some nice food.

What we do...

Before, after, and on none-race days we take care of the snow on the hill.

This is done with scraping it down in lines so that Andrew and his best friend the Snow Blower can blow it away.

Here is Andrew with skis on to make sure that he does not leave a mark in the snow. (He might also be on skis because then he can have the snow blower pull him...)

Some places it is too steep or maybe the snow has to go a lot further then what the snow blower is capable of. In those situations we use a slip and slide set up. This set up is seen here below, which is what we spent our Thursday afternoon on two days ago.

While the race is on we take care of the panels between the gates. Since the mens Super-G had two gates close together on the steep section we had to have a little crew that could take care of it. The crew is Erik, Andrew and I. We would then rotate, so that when you ski down to fix the gate and panel you will be transported up on a snowmobile, and in the mean time the next one will be ready for the next racer to mess up the gate.

Remember there is sometimes only 1.15 minutes between the racers, so you have to be fast.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Scandinavian house is opening today.

The Danish house has been expanded to become the Scandinavian house. We still need some more flags, but we are working on it.

We wil have a BBQ grill today with burgers, salmon, and sausages.
It is Erik next to me, whom family is from Norway.