Wednesday, June 09, 2010

No change in luck, but life goes on!

Despite that my luck have not changed and I have found my bike, things are looking a little better now.

I have been able to sell my old Ferrari computer that a lot of my former fellow students know. It was used to make the unofficial movie from the introduction days in both 2005 and 2006.

I have bought a huge lock for my next bike and is also using it on my current bike. My current bike I have borrowed from some friends - it has two wheels and gets me around copenhagen, but besides that it is really a bike that needs to either be put to rest or needs a weekend spa at a repair and rebuild shop. But a big thanks to the owners for lending it to me.

Football has not been a lot better since last time, so at practice today I will just give it all I have and hopefully continue to improve. I really hope that I will find my game before it is too late in the season.

Holiday plans are about to be done, with a trip to Rome with the flag football team from the 8th-11th of July. The following week will be with the boys to Berlin for an extended weekend. And, finally in August I will attend Skanderborg Music festival.

Stay tuned, I will post two football movies later today.


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