Monday, February 08, 2010

Recap (Nov 21 2009): Martine and my birthday and Danish Christmas dinner.

In this time of year where it is time to celebrate Martine and my birthday and get together to enjoy some lovely danish christmas dinners. Martine's birthday is on Nov 24th and you all know that I have on the 25th of course.

To ensure that everyone could come to celebrate our birthdays we had to do it the weekend prior. However, that Saturday was also the night for the big Christmas dinner - well nothing else to do then to combine the two.

So, here we are - Danish christmas dinner. A huge thanks to the chefs for making a perfect dinner.
It was funny from the start....
After a hectic game Svante won the blue gift and he was so happy....
After the dinner we all went to Yale Town Brewery to meet up with everyone else.

Here it is Anne and Fanny.
Martine the happy birthday girl...
Dannebrog is up and showing everyone that the Danes are here.
Lina, Martine and I
The birthday kids in front of Dannebrog.
Joanna and Tobey came down to YBC.
The Larslejsstræde buddies.
Stefan, Louise and I enjoying the night.
Svante the Champ and I.

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