Monday, February 08, 2010

Recap (Nov 25 2009): Birthday dinner.

On my birthday the Danish crew celebrated Martine and my birthday at Yaletown Brewery with a nice dinner. It was a really nice atmosphere and some how we ended up getting everything at half price.

Here is Martine and I in our birthday gifts from the group. There was also some Danish candy and a nice card.
I got a great steak and with the nice surprise of it being half priced it tasted even better...
Of course we had a birthday cake. The funny part is that it was a surprise and they almost came in with it while I was gone from the table and they had to stop the server just before Martine saw it. Then when I came back they fired off some kind of small confetti canon, which accidently did not only land on our table but also the table behind us got covered...

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