Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ready for the gold medal hockey game.

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Goodbye Whistler and Olympics

My time as an volunteer has come to an end and that means that my time in Whistler is over. I'm currently heading back to Vancouver to stay at Rebecca and Thomas' place.

As soon as I arrive we are heading for a restaurant to watch the gold medal hockey game.

I still have some things to fix before leaving, including finding red mittens.

It has been a great adventure, but I am more then ready to come home. I miss you all back home and I miss you Copenhagen the best city in the world.

Nyeland is coming home, landing on March 3rd at 12 noon.

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Just received my last Olympic gift

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We are on standby...

... and I am taking a nap....

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On my way to my last day at 2am!

Today is my last shift and it has only just become Saturday since it is 2am.

We are heading for Hot breakfest and then up the mountain.

Oh well, I just arrived and the breakfest is not a big deal, hence the photo.

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Olympic video #10 Second last day....

Friday, February 26, 2010

Pictures from Ski Cross at Cypress Mountain

Joanna and I infront of the entrance to the venue...
The look from our seats
Sophie is right there in the middle of the photo with bib number 17
yeah - a big Danish flag so that no one behind me can see anything...
I met Sophie quickly between the Qualification and her first heat.
Everywhere I went I made sure that Dannebrog could be seen
Yes, it started to snow.... like we needed that this late - NO
Live painting at the venue.
more live painting...
more, but interesting is it that it is painted by Shalom, one of Terri's friends that Oliver and I met quickly around New Years.
This is also Shalom's - they are absolutely amazing.
here is the evidence - live painting.

Official pannal

Lorraien got one of the official pannals in a give away event. I didn't get one, but really want one, so I hope that they will be giving more away later.

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Olympic Video #9 Two man bobsled

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Time qualification

I'm in the stands with Joanna ready to cheer for Sophie, whom is numer 17.

I have seen one other Danish flag. Yeah.

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Good morning - Ski Cross todag - GO Sophie Fjellvang-Sølling

Today it is time for the ski cross event - GO SOPHIE.

I got a ticket yesterday and I have made my plastic flag pole so I am ready to cheer.

Back in Vancouver - building a flag pole.

Great scenery at the water front where people are decorating the sea side.
walking to the home depot across the bridge...
classic photo on the bridge
working on the flag pole...

Mr. Miller wins the super-combined

So, here we are on the slope to take care of the slalom part of the combined.

It is amazing how fast these guys are skiing.
and the weather could not be more perfect.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Slalom race on

My gates.

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Race day - mens super combined

My Danish flag is up and will hopefully be on TV

The gate that I'm taking care of.

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BBQ at the Scandinavian house.

Here is a few photos from the BBQ today. Everyone volunteer or athlete is more then welcome to come by and get some nice food.

What we do...

Before, after, and on none-race days we take care of the snow on the hill.

This is done with scraping it down in lines so that Andrew and his best friend the Snow Blower can blow it away.

Here is Andrew with skis on to make sure that he does not leave a mark in the snow. (He might also be on skis because then he can have the snow blower pull him...)

Some places it is too steep or maybe the snow has to go a lot further then what the snow blower is capable of. In those situations we use a slip and slide set up. This set up is seen here below, which is what we spent our Thursday afternoon on two days ago.

While the race is on we take care of the panels between the gates. Since the mens Super-G had two gates close together on the steep section we had to have a little crew that could take care of it. The crew is Erik, Andrew and I. We would then rotate, so that when you ski down to fix the gate and panel you will be transported up on a snowmobile, and in the mean time the next one will be ready for the next racer to mess up the gate.

Remember there is sometimes only 1.15 minutes between the racers, so you have to be fast.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Scandinavian house is opening today.

The Danish house has been expanded to become the Scandinavian house. We still need some more flags, but we are working on it.

We wil have a BBQ grill today with burgers, salmon, and sausages.
It is Erik next to me, whom family is from Norway.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Coaches trying to read the gates where I'm

Who will get the right line?

During the inspections today the coaches and racers took a long time to make sure that they had the line right for the "fallaway".

The gates in the photo are those that Erik, Andrew and I are taking care of.
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The Danish house is open.

The house has been renovated a bit and we got the New York Times photographer to take a photo.

Tomorrow, Andrew will bring a grill so that we can grill some stuff.

Our section is going to be a critical point on the track again, I hope "Air Canada" will read it right and get on the podium.

Enjoy the race.
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Race day!!

It is time for the mens Super-G. More updates will follow on where my position will be.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Predictions for the women's combined.

After having seen the women's downhill, I'm predicting this to be the top four at the end of the day.

1. Reich
2. Anja
3. Sutter
4. Mancuso

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We, the Weasels, are on TV!!

Global news did a story on the Weasel Workers. As you know by now that is what I'm. The weasels are the local ones taking care of all the races here in whistler.

As you can hear in the clip there are people coming from all over the world - even Denmark!!

Look for the still photo taken at night with a snowblower clearing the track in the light if the big lights.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

There is a Swiss house, an Austrian and now also a Danish house!

The race for today was postpone until later in the week, so after haven taken care of our duties with the A-net and B-net we went to build some shelter for us while we were waiting for more assignments.

The house was quickly named the Unofficial Danish House of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and Whistler 2010.
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Building a hut!

The weather is not being nice so we are building a hut.

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Race postpone!

Bad weather again.

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Medal ceromony

Mens Downhill: Gold - Didier Defago, Silver - Aksel Lund Svindal, Bronze - Bode Miller

Cross-country skiing.
Sweden winning gold in cross-country skiing - YEAH.
Another picture from Sweden wining their first gold medal at the games - nice.
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