Thursday, October 18, 2007

My host family

At the orientation meeting when I came to the U, we could fill out forms to meet a local family, and learn about the culture and daily life in Salt Lake City. Tonight was the official meeting between students and families. My host family is Sandra and Randy Okland. Randy’s grandfather immigrated to America from Norway. I will have dinner with them on Sunday, and I am looking very much forward to getting to know them and their family.
It will be a nice break on Sunday to go there and have dinner, because this week and the next two will be full of academic work. I will have tests and assignments, and I will have to work.

The weather is getting colder and I can see snow on top of some of the mountains behind campus. There is still a lot of uncertainty about what I will do with the skiing season, but I will continue to explore the possibility of joining a ski club for a short period and do some competition racing.

More than 300 different IP addresses have now been on my blog, but as some (especially IT) people would know – that is not same as 300 different people, but it is a lot of people, and I am glad that so many are following me and are reading about the experiences that I have here.

Take care.


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