Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall Break #5: Grand Canyon

We left the ranch heading south to see Grand Canyon. A long drive while the sun had gone to rest. We unfortunately had to leave at night, and were therefore not able to see the landscape we past, which I think was very nice based on the curved roads. Manuel and Elin fell a sleep and I listen to my iPod while eating miles at a fast pace. We past one huge car accident, it looked like a truck had run over a small car; all that were left was the trunk!
We reach Travelodge in Flagstaff late and went directly to bed. The next morning we went for breakfast next door at a very small dinner/bar. It was very local and everyone knew each other. It was the day after NFL Gameday and there were lot of talk about the results.

The owner was very happy, since his Cardinals had beaten the Steelers. Our waitress was a Broncos fan, she was not happy; they were destroyed by LT and the Chargers, whom finally find a rhythm. After having the biggest pan-cakes ever, (I could not eat all three – has never happen before to me!!) we went of to Grand Canyon. We drove for two hours, got out of the car, walked 100 meters/yards, and there is was – a view that has stunned so many millions including the three of us. There are 16 miles a cross the canyon. I will upload more on the online photo album soon.

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