Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall Break #14: Getting back

Our flight back with jetBlue was three hours weather delayed. I have heard a lot about Jetblue, and that they are supposed to have a sublime customer service – I can only agree. They were very informative about the delay, the captain informed us during the flight, there was plenty of legs space no matter where you where sitting, everyone had there own TV with DirectTV with 40 different channels, and most important all the crew onboard was very nice.

We took a taxi back to the University from the airport. The taxi driver was a man from Kuwait, who came to hte U.S. to give his kids a change to live in a free and open minded world. He was an artist and interior architecture, educated at the University of Egypt. He now works as a taxi driver to pay for his kid’s education. I think it is beautiful how much he is sacrificing for his kids, but at the same time it is also horribly sad that no one here can use his talent. He had a gallery downtown Salt Lake City for 5 years, but the market was not there for it. I hope that someone will discover his abilities and used them.

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