Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall Break #9: LA – Kathleen and Brad

Kathleen is the daughter of some of my parent’s friends. She has lived in LA for many years, and lives with Brad who is an actor. (Looking forward to seeing you on Heroes Brad, he he!) They live in Hollywood and we met them for dinner. Kathleen gave me perfect directions and we found it without any problems. They live one block from Hollywood Boulevard. We went to a small restaurant/bar named Birds. We all had something with chicken and it was very nice. After that we went to a small French bar, where we had some drinks. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to see them again.We went down Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard to look at the “stars” and to go see a movie. We missed the movie and went back to bed. We were very disappointed with the “stars” in the pavement. The streets were very dirty and did not even have nice shops.

The next day we went up in the hills in hope of getting a nice picture of the Hollywood sign, but because too many actors and instructors were committing suicide by jumping off it, it is now closed for the public – how ironic! Anyway, we wanted to see how close we could get. When driving up Elin suddenly went crazy, she was screaming and telling me to stop the car. I was immediately sure that I had hit something, but no. What the fuss was about was the fact that Vince Vaughn was standing right next to us. Hmmm, said Manuel and I, and than we drove on.
We reached the end of the road, got out and hiked a little hill. The view of the sign was ok, but we had hoped to get closer. When driving down we also saw the Observatory, but once again no time to go there.

We now wanted to go north on Highway 1, we drove through Beverly hills, where we saw some big house, but Rodeo Drive was not on our way, and I will have to go back and visit Kathleen and Brad again to see the things that I missed.

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