Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall Break #12: Morro Beach, Hearst Castle, Elephant sea lions, and Raegged Point

Morro Bay is where we should have stayed over for the night. It was a bigger town with a lot more eating options, which was lacking in Pismo B. From Morro Bay it was possible to go on sea tours to watch whales, but once again time was what we were missing. Morro Bay is famous for its huge volcanic cliff that is part of the bay and it is home to a lot of big birds.
It was here that my next trip came to my mind – sailing down the coast on a sailing boat from Seattle to San Diego!
With out time to stay longer we continued to Hearst Castle, which is a huge private made castle in the hills next to the sea. You have to take a bus tour to get up there, and with no time it was not an option.
We went on the road again, and found something we had time for; looking at Elephant sea lions, who were sunbathing on the beach. We continued up the coast to Raegged Point where we had lunch/dinner. I had a seafood salad, which was very delicious.
From there on the landscape was even more beautiful and the road became more and more like the small ones in the Alps.

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