Friday, October 05, 2007

Fall Break is here!

It has been two really busy weeks since I was in Las Vegas; several tests and midterms, which went fine. I had a small quiz yesterday in OB, and I did badly on that. I really don’t like the multiple choice tests, but this one I should have done better on. I am still waiting for my grade in US Economic History, which I have a good feeling about, but you never know, so that will be exiting to see if it gets posted before we leave today.

We will leave today at 5 PM, but before than I have to; return a backpack, do the last laundry, go to the chiropractor, pick up the rental car, go to bestbuy to pick up our GPS system (to rent one of those for a week is between $75 and $125, but was not possible with the car we rented, however a GPS locater with software was $100, so vi bought that), have lunch with Tom, shop at Smith’s marketplace, pack my bags, and, well, I think that was everything.

There are a lot of clouds outside my window, and it looks like it is going to rain heavily today, and it is suppose to snow tomorrow!

Anyway, I better get started on my to-do list.

I will try to blog while being on the road.

Take care everyone

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