Wednesday, August 06, 2008

We went white water rafting in kayaks.

Saturday morning we went up early to go water rafting. When we stepped out of the hotel room we were met with a crisp and cold air. Sun Valley is supposable one of the coldest places in America, we could feel that. It did, however, became a lot warmer when the sun finally rose above the mountains.

We were going white water rafting in kayaks, since we were told on the phone that it would be a lot more fun and challenging, but only for young, adventures, and athletic people. We considered us all to fit those categories and it turned out to be a good decision.

It was so much fun to go down the rapids. We had a disposable water proof camera with us, and we are waiting for the pictures, but below are some pictures that were taken by a photographer ob the shore.

This is me heading into the first rapid, which turned out to me a close call. As the pictures show, the nose of the kayak is totally gone under water. This is the same place, I am now down in the hole/void that the rocks create and it is starting to look bad.
I am now about to tip over, since I hit a rock and the water is pushing hard on the rear of the kayak.
The instructors told us that if we are about to fall in, we should take one more paddle, which I did and I got out of it. I got the kayak turned 360 degrees and stayed onboard.

Here I am out of trouble and just paddling on to the next rapids. There were several rapids where we had to concentrate a lot, and it was a lot of fun; very recommendable.
Here it is Manuel paddling.
Kylee is here heading into the rapid, she forgot to paddle, but made it without any problems.

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