Saturday, August 02, 2008

Dodge - Manuel - Okland - The Cheesecake Factory- Beezer & Bryce

Below it is my rental car - a Dodge Charger with a 2.7 L V6 engine. It is a really sweet car - a real American car. It burns gasoline and a whole in my wallet!

I finally met Manuel. We went to have lunch at a Greek place, which was god. We both had a ton of stories to tell, and it took me more than one and a half out to eat my salad.
I went on a tour with Randy to see some of Okland Construction's sites. In the back ground it is a temple in Draper.
It was national Cheesecake day this Wednesday, so I went to the Cheese Cake Factory with Mike, Jordi, and Kylie. It was amazing. The food was also great, but it is the cakes that rocks, and due to the special occasion, they were only $1.50
Yesterday, Manuel and I met up with Beezer and Bryce. It was great. We were all on a road trip back in January, and it only took a few minutes before we were back in the old rhythm, perfect.

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