Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Let us jump out of a plane – sky diving!

Sunday had only one purpose and that was to enable us to jump out of a plan in 8000 feat! We drove to Cardwell next to Boise in Idaho. But before that we had to get a good solid breakfast, which is why we went to and old American dinner.

A lot of old, but very cool stuff made us feel back in the 60’ties, and the big pan cakes with a ton of syrup made it perfect.
Here I am with my instructor Geoffrey.
Here we all three are ready to go.

A video from my jump and more maybe more pictures will come later, since they are making one for us.

But wow that was amazing. We had a 40 second free fall, and than a nice smooth descend with the parachute out. It got to steer it, and made two tight spirals, first to the right and then to the left. It was one, if not the one, most exiting moments in my life. Sitting with my feet over the edge of the plane looking down on the ground, with no time to reconsider, and then we just went out. It was so surreal that I never got scared when being in the air.

If you ever get the chance to try it, you must do it – it has to be on your bucket list.
Here it is me coming down:

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