Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Tour de Sun Valley

After getting some dry cloth on, it was now time for mountain biking. We got a map and headed out to find a good trail.

Here we are getting ready to jump in the car to head of to the mountains in the background.

A few cows tried to get in our way, but a little music from Kate Perry “I kissed a girl”, and they went off the road.
We are on the way to the top.
I am at the top of where we are about to start a 2 miles downhill trail.
From left to right you can see the trail, which was going to take us all the way to the bottom of the valley.
We are now on our way back to the car, a 5 miles uphill climb.
But before we got to the car we took a small downhill tail that took us through some water.
This is Kylee.
Here is Manuel

And, here am I.

Oh yes, and on the way back the cows were back on the road to stall us, I guess the few we met on the way up and told their friends about the great music we played, so once again Kate Perry got a chance to sing for the cows.

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