Monday, August 20, 2007

My first beer in SLC and I hate Wendy’s!!

Saturday we (Manuel, Elin, Louise, Dave, and I) went downtown to grab a beer. We went to a bar where we also could see some NFL preseason football. I t was a nice place, bottle beer for 2 $ and a pitcher of beer for 5$. BUT – we were not allowed to with play cards or dices, since it is considered gambling and therefore illegal. However, it was not an impediment for getting a great evening. Manuel had two beers, which resolved in some very fun topics suddenly being discussed, for those who have heard about that night one of the topics was about a Swedish princess who works as a nurse, is lesbian, has a kid and was named David Hasselhoff!!
On our way home we wanted some food. Wendy’s was open, but only for drive-in. We walk-in as a car, but they would not sell us anything, because of corporate policy, which says that it is dangerous, since we could rub them!!!! Would that not be easier in a car, since we than could get away quickly?????????? I will never eat at Wendy’s!


Matt Rager said...

Marc, just to add fuel to the fire, I once tried driving backward through a Wendy's drivethrough, and they refused to serve us. So you have an ally in the quest to boycott Wendy's.

kat said...

oh but wendy's is SOOOO TASTY!