Friday, August 24, 2007


Tuesday was Dominique’s 21st birthday, and we celebrated that today. We, Elin, Louise, Dominique, Dave, Manuel, and me, were suppose to go to a small pre-party and than to Greenstreet, which is where we also were last weekend. Manuel and Louise could not come, and it was not the same without them, but we had a great night.

It was karaoke night, so Elin, Dave, and I went up to the stage and sang happy birthday for Dominique.

Later we went upstairs where there was a DJ and a big dance floor. There were so many people and the music was perfect. I got the DJ to say happy birthday to Dominique and play 50 cent “It is your birthday”. We had a fun night, and Greenstreet is most likely where you will find me every Thursday.

Take care – Friday is all studying and practical stuff.

Pictures will soon be uploaded.


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