Friday, August 17, 2007

I don’t know anyone and have nowhere to sleep!!

That is how I felt waking up Thursday morning at 05:30 AM. I had checked in at the University guest house, but they only had a room for me from Wednesday to Thursday, however I had been told that I could not move in before Friday!! I also had to go to the orientation meeting, where I would know no one. But when things look bad they might turn out to the better.

I was able to leave my luggage at the guest house. (See picture form how much it was)
I went to the meeting, which was for all international students and there were a lot of information that I did not need, but it was good and we had a great ambassador/buddy assigned to our table, thanks Peter. In the group of none degree exchange students there were 50 % Asian, 30 % Germen, and the last 20 % was British, Swedish and me of cause.

I spoke to a few of the other students, but only for a longer time with one - Manuel Rausch from Germany – great guy and we spent the rest of the day together. I told Manuel that I had to find a place to sleep, and he immediately offered me to stay in his room! So, we went to the guest house and got my stuff. Manuel lives right behind my building, but when we got to my building there was a check in tent. I went there, and guess what; I was able to get my room right away. Nice!!

I got my stuff in to the room and briefly said hello to one of my room mates – Jakob. Joe than came bye to do the inventory with me – great guy, and I will be playing some flag football with him in the future.
Manuel and I spend the evening with some of the other exchange students at an open air concert, downtown Salt Lake City (SLC). It was fun and we saw a lot of weird people.
Right now I am sitting in my room getting ready to sleep for the first time in my new room!! Below is the view from my room!
Goodnight and good morning to some of you.


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