Saturday, August 11, 2007

I am in DC

The flight was perfect. Nice food and I sat next to a Swedish lady who works for the National Library, which was very interesting. After take-off I was able to see entire CPH from my window and I was actually able to locate my parents house just north of CPH!

Immigration went perfect. I had to wait half an hour before it was my turn to get my fingers scanned, but when I finally got to the officer it went quick. He asked what I was going to do in the US, I answered, "studying and following the Redskins", studying he could understand, but his reply to the Redskins was: "why?" Well, I then had to tell him that I am an optimist and that I am expecting the Skins to have a winning record. He didn't seam to agree, but I was allowed to continue into the US, which was the most important thing.
After claming my luggage I went out to find Jim, which is never a problem since he has a specific place where he always waits for his Danish friends with too much luggage. Last summer I lived at Jim and Paul’s house while studying at a language school; and it was therefore nice to be in known surroundings. They both look good and we had a nice afternoon and evening together.

I will finish up this first evening in DC with some NFL preseason football. Tomorrow Redskins is playing and I will cheer for them all the way.

That’s all – goodnight.

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