Friday, August 31, 2007

The Utes lost!!

Last night the Utes (the football team of the University of Utah) played the first game of the season against Oregon State. We lost 7-21, and got our QB injured; not a good game. I went to Greenstreet with, Dominique, Elin, Louise, and Dave. Manuel couldn’t come because of homework, but Amy from my marketing class joined us later.

After the game we went dancing and I think we were home around 1:30 AM, which than only gave me 5 hours to sleep before I had to go to the gym with Manuel at 7 AM. It was nice at the gym, but now I will take a nap!


Don’t get in to trouble with the security staff!

This is a picture of a girl’s car after her last day at work, as a security staff on campus!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Three new posts!!!!

I have been very busy, which is the reason for the late posting about the events from last weekend. BUT now they are there for you to read. There are three new posts and a lot of new pictures in the web album.

There have now been more than 150 different people looking at my blog, which I am very glad for. Please continue to follow my experience here and please forward my blog to others who might be interested in reading it.


Sunday – Hiking

At the Nike outlet I bought some nice running shoes. Sunday I went hiking with Manuel, Dominique, and Elin. It was so beautiful and so hard to run up hill. Look at the view on the picture; there are once again more pictures in the photo album.
Monday Manuel, Joe, and I went running at 7 am. Joe had to go back early because of classes, but Manuel and I continued up and ended up being almost at the top of the mountain!! Tomorrow, Wednesday, we are going to the gym. Manuel is starting to play a lot of Ultimate and I have found a flag football state league, which I hope to join.
Take care - Marc

Saturday – Park City

Last Saturday we rented a car to go to Park City. The group was once again, Elin, Dominique, Louise, Dave, Manuel, and I. We rented a car from Enterprise, which had the lowest rates and the best service. (Good case firm to look at high customer service)

First we went to a big mall, which included a Nike factory outlet, nice! Than we had lunch at Rube Tuesday where I had a big steak, it was so nice.
We continued to Park City where we spent the afternoon and evening. Park City is placed in beautiful surroundings, which you can see on the pictures; there are more in the photo album.
I didn’t do a lot of power shopping, but a little. I, however, did some shopping on Sunday. I have ordered the newest cleats for football and some soccer cleats.

Friday – Grimson Nights (delayed)

Friday last week there was a party at the University. There were a ton of activities to do, including bowling, climbing, Velcro jump, sex stories, dance and a lot of other things.
Bowling – was a lot of fun, but I was so bad. However, Dave and Elin were both really good. Dave won, which did not please Elin.
Climbing – The Army had a portable 7 meter high wall that we could climb. I tried it once in high school and thought it was really funny; so I challenged Elin for a race. She beat me - twice! Compared to the other ones who tried the wall I was fast, but Elin was really fast, she just walked all the way up and she had no shoes on!
Velcro jump – You take on a suit made of Velcro and jumps on to a wall and hope to stick to it. Manuel and I tried it and it was so funny, except for the fact that the suit that I had on was to small – and the guys knows how that hurts when you jump around in something too small!!!
Sex stories – A group was collecting personal stories to educate teenagers about sex, since teenagers in Utah do not receive education on sex in school. I think it was a strange way to educate the teenagers, but I think it is important to teach them even though they should wait with it..
Dance – there was a big room with music to those who wanted to dance. However, the real dance floor was outside. A DJ was mixing and there must have been close to 250 people dancing in front.

Fun Party – without alcohol – yes that is possible but not likely to be a returning thing!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tour de Park City

Today we went to Park City and took a lot of pictures - see the best picture when clicking on this link:

More stories from the trip will follow.


Saturday, August 25, 2007

A few photos from my room.

Go to my photo album for more and bigger photos. Photos from Greenstreet are on their way.


Friday, August 24, 2007


Tuesday was Dominique’s 21st birthday, and we celebrated that today. We, Elin, Louise, Dominique, Dave, Manuel, and me, were suppose to go to a small pre-party and than to Greenstreet, which is where we also were last weekend. Manuel and Louise could not come, and it was not the same without them, but we had a great night.

It was karaoke night, so Elin, Dave, and I went up to the stage and sang happy birthday for Dominique.

Later we went upstairs where there was a DJ and a big dance floor. There were so many people and the music was perfect. I got the DJ to say happy birthday to Dominique and play 50 cent “It is your birthday”. We had a fun night, and Greenstreet is most likely where you will find me every Thursday.

Take care – Friday is all studying and practical stuff.

Pictures will soon be uploaded.


My first quiz

First week of school is done, which included a quiz in human behaviour. I made 7 out of 10, which is acceptable taking into consideration that I did not know which chapter to study. I of course read the wrong chapter, and will therefore have to study even more and be even more prepared for the next quiz.

It is clearly human behaviour and international marketing that are going to be the two most time consuming classes. US economic history and Current Economic problems will also demand a lot of time, but not the same, especially; because of the way we are tested.

There is no water rafting this weekend but a lot of studying and a trip to Park City.

I know there has not been a lot of pictures lately, I will upload some as soon as I get them from Elin and Dominique.


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Test, Park City, and fire.

School started Monday and I have my first test today! We have postponed the water rafting trip since everyone wants to get a good start on the academics. Instead we are going to Park City to shop on Saturday. I will be back with more after my test, including about the fire alarm yesterday.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Golf cart, first class, and phone number

After I had been to the medical center to inform them about my vaccines and sexual history (they actually demanded that!), I was going back to the union building (Central building on campus), when I got a ride in a golf cart from a nice guy named Allen. It was so much easier that to walk and it took no time.

Later I went to my first class where there were only about 14 students. It was a small classroom with chairs where the table is attached to the chair. It looks to be an interesting class.

After class I went to the T-mobile store with Manuel to sign up for an American number. My number is 801-833-3026.

Now I have to go pay for the water rafting tour next weekend.


Monday, August 20, 2007

My first beer in SLC and I hate Wendy’s!!

Saturday we (Manuel, Elin, Louise, Dave, and I) went downtown to grab a beer. We went to a bar where we also could see some NFL preseason football. I t was a nice place, bottle beer for 2 $ and a pitcher of beer for 5$. BUT – we were not allowed to with play cards or dices, since it is considered gambling and therefore illegal. However, it was not an impediment for getting a great evening. Manuel had two beers, which resolved in some very fun topics suddenly being discussed, for those who have heard about that night one of the topics was about a Swedish princess who works as a nurse, is lesbian, has a kid and was named David Hasselhoff!!
On our way home we wanted some food. Wendy’s was open, but only for drive-in. We walk-in as a car, but they would not sell us anything, because of corporate policy, which says that it is dangerous, since we could rub them!!!! Would that not be easier in a car, since we than could get away quickly?????????? I will never eat at Wendy’s!

Water rafting!!!

I have signed up together with my group of international students and Dave to go water rafting next weekend. It is going to be a three day trip, Friday to Sunday. I will post video and photos from that next week”

Shopping - Party at the Bookstore!

I have been shopping! For those who know me well, it will not come as a surprise, since I love to shop, but only in America. First I was in the Redskins Store in DC, than I was in the bookstore here on campus, when they had 30 % off everything.
I went to the bookstore with some of the other Int. students, picture from right to left, Manuel, Dominique, Louise, Elin and the big Fan!! We had a fun night and I think we are going to do a lot of stuff together.

The last picture speaks for it self.
Thank you Eurocard :-)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Key Bank goes down in Salt Lake City

Snowbird video 1

Going to Snowbird

I went on a field trip today with the international office to Snowbird, which is a big ski resort 45 minutes from SLC. Beautiful mountains - please go see photos in the album.
One of the ski resorts that are linked to snowbird does not allow snowboarders. Ski resorts that are snowboard free is possible in Utah.
Tonight there is a party at the bookstore!!! Hmm, sounds strange, but should be fun. There is supposed to be a lot of discounts on fan items for the sports clubs, which I will of course buy.

Have a nice weekend


Friday, August 17, 2007

Remember the photo album

All photos on the blog are also in the photo album in higher resolution. There will be more photos in the album than on the blog.

Manuel’s thesis #1

Manuel is studying engineering, but he also finds time to come up with thesis about life. His first thesis is that women have big buts to work as counterweights when they get married!

I will not say whether I believe any of his theories, but I will post them.

Today we are going on a field trip with the int. office to Snowbird.

Have a nice day.

I don’t know anyone and have nowhere to sleep!!

That is how I felt waking up Thursday morning at 05:30 AM. I had checked in at the University guest house, but they only had a room for me from Wednesday to Thursday, however I had been told that I could not move in before Friday!! I also had to go to the orientation meeting, where I would know no one. But when things look bad they might turn out to the better.

I was able to leave my luggage at the guest house. (See picture form how much it was)
I went to the meeting, which was for all international students and there were a lot of information that I did not need, but it was good and we had a great ambassador/buddy assigned to our table, thanks Peter. In the group of none degree exchange students there were 50 % Asian, 30 % Germen, and the last 20 % was British, Swedish and me of cause.

I spoke to a few of the other students, but only for a longer time with one - Manuel Rausch from Germany – great guy and we spent the rest of the day together. I told Manuel that I had to find a place to sleep, and he immediately offered me to stay in his room! So, we went to the guest house and got my stuff. Manuel lives right behind my building, but when we got to my building there was a check in tent. I went there, and guess what; I was able to get my room right away. Nice!!

I got my stuff in to the room and briefly said hello to one of my room mates – Jakob. Joe than came bye to do the inventory with me – great guy, and I will be playing some flag football with him in the future.
Manuel and I spend the evening with some of the other exchange students at an open air concert, downtown Salt Lake City (SLC). It was fun and we saw a lot of weird people.
Right now I am sitting in my room getting ready to sleep for the first time in my new room!! Below is the view from my room!
Goodnight and good morning to some of you.


Thursday, August 16, 2007


Today it is my dad's birthday. I hope that he will be blessed with some nice weather and have a nice day with my mom.

Tillykke med dagen Far, jeg håber du får en super dag.

Kærlig hilsen Marc

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

At top of the U

Wow – I am sitting in a restaurant, on the 6th floor, in a medical building on campus, with a view of entire Salt Lake City. The perfect place to relax after I have been walking around campus for the past 6 hours! It is impossible to describe, but I hope the picture despite the reflection will give a hint of how amazing the view is.
I have signed up as a free agent for Flag football and soccer. I will sign up for season tickets to the university football team later today. I have received one of two codes I need to sign up for the classes that I need to take to get credit for my semester. I got my U card (student card) and my Trax card (free public transportation).

I met Jesse who has been my contact person to the U for the past 6 months. A really nice guy, and I am looking forward to challenge him with questions he never thought an international student would ask, like: is it possible to become a Mormon for a day, so that I can see the inside of the temple?


Moving in on Friday

I will be moving in on Friday, which is going to be very interesting since I have no clue of whom I am going to share kitchen with.

I guess that I will receive some comments when moving in with my skis, hehe.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

iPhone WOW

It is true, I was in an apple store and used an iPhone to make the post below!! I visit the apple store after being on a tour arround Salt Lake City, which included a panoramic view from the Ensign Peak - click on the video to see the view.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm blogging from an iPhone!

Panoramic view from Lucile’s apartment

Please click on the link in the right hand side to see my photo album where there will be an bigger versions of the pictures. Go in to the folder named Salt Lake City.

Below is a picture of the Key building, which will be imploded next Saturday.

First evening in Utah

Lucile does not like to cook, just like me. We went out to have dinner together with her nephew Tom. Tom helps Lucile with everything she needs and he is going to help me on Wednesday to get to The U – THANK you Tom.

Tom has two girls with his wife Holly, he is thinking of strapping some skis to their feet, and I said I would like to go skiing with them and help the girls to learn this fantastic sport. Maybe I will have a chance too meet Tom's family before the winter comes, I hope since it sounds like they have a wonderful house with nice surroundings.

Below is the view from Lucile's apartment by night.

I am in Salt Lake City

At 5 am I was up this morning to catch my flight to Salt Lake City. Both Paul and Jim were up. Jim drove me to the airport and waited for me to get all my luggage checked in. I had to pay 50$ to get my skis with me, which was ok.

I came to Lucille's apartment - nice to finally meet her. We had a little lunch and than walked to the Mormon temple from where the pictures below are taken. I went on a tour, which was ok, but not that interesting. The temple area is very beautiful, especially the buildings.
Remember to follow the photo link in the right hand side for more pictures. Below is a picture of the road view. The city looks to be on totally flat ground, but arround it is the mountains.Take care Marc

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I am in DC

The flight was perfect. Nice food and I sat next to a Swedish lady who works for the National Library, which was very interesting. After take-off I was able to see entire CPH from my window and I was actually able to locate my parents house just north of CPH!

Immigration went perfect. I had to wait half an hour before it was my turn to get my fingers scanned, but when I finally got to the officer it went quick. He asked what I was going to do in the US, I answered, "studying and following the Redskins", studying he could understand, but his reply to the Redskins was: "why?" Well, I then had to tell him that I am an optimist and that I am expecting the Skins to have a winning record. He didn't seam to agree, but I was allowed to continue into the US, which was the most important thing.
After claming my luggage I went out to find Jim, which is never a problem since he has a specific place where he always waits for his Danish friends with too much luggage. Last summer I lived at Jim and Paul’s house while studying at a language school; and it was therefore nice to be in known surroundings. They both look good and we had a nice afternoon and evening together.

I will finish up this first evening in DC with some NFL preseason football. Tomorrow Redskins is playing and I will cheer for them all the way.

That’s all – goodnight.

See you in 6 months - bye Denmark.

I have just said goodbye to my parents and gone through security. Looking forward to being on the plane and see CPH from way above.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Don't know what to do this summer???

Photo - Photo - Photo

I will post some pictures on the blog, the rest will be in my online photo album, which always can be found under "My links" in the tool bar to the right.

I will let you know when I have uploaded new photos.

Click - Marc

Everything is packed - what to do with the last 35 hours?

Well, I will probably find something usefull to do the last 35 hours. Nima and Golnaz wedding will of cause take 9 of the hours, a couple of hours of sleep, and then a few hours with my parrents.

If it was not for all of my skiing equipment it would have been no problem to pack, but wow it takes space and weights a lot. In skiing equipment and cloth I have 40 kilos (ca. 88 pounds!)

anyway, I better get to bed and get ready for my last full day in CPH and to the big wedding.

For those of you who lives in the states - We will soon be on the same continent, niceee :-)

Take care


Wednesday, August 08, 2007

48 hours and nothing packed!!!

In 48 hours I will be at the gate hoping to get on SK 925 to Washington DC for a few days before continuing to Salt Lake.

It is going to be nice to see Jim and Paul again, and I will probably get some Redskins merchandize so that no one is in doubt of what team I support.


Monday, August 06, 2007

Bachelor party for Nima

Saturday we held a bachelor party for Nima, who is getting married on Thursday. We started out with some paintball - nice. Played some poker and when out into the summer night in CPH where we partied until 5AM. Below is a picture of all the guys who was at the party.

4 days and I am on my way!!

The sun has finally arrived in Denmark and the temperature is rising. I will never complain because of the warm weather, but I will look forward to AC in USA.

I haven’t pack any thing yet, but will start today at determining what cloth to bring.

A fun and memorable weekend it was, with the bachelor party for Nima, and Kritte’s birthday brunch only 6 hours after we came home from the disco.

4 days is all I have left before leaving – not a long time – I guess I will be ready bye than, but right now I am just enjoying the nice weather and getting custom to no one asking me for help!!

The last couple of days before leaving can be very stress full and I might not write that much before I am in USA.

Take care.


Friday, August 03, 2007

One week left!!!

Next Friday I will be leaving Denmark and start my probably biggest adventure ever. The past days my parents have made their house available for me to host some farewell-dinners. To avoid the dinner parties to become too big, I had decided to divide them into 3 groups; study-buddies, my boys (friends from high school and other places), and last night for the family. It is odd to say goodbye to all of these people, it probably won’t be before I am at the airport that I will truly believe that I not going to see these people for a very long time.

My parrents have been unbelievable during all of these dinners. They have made everything and made it possible for me to enjoy the evening with my guest – THANK YOU

Wednesday, August 01, 2007