Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Working on the Bachelor project

The weather is finally beginning to feel a little like spring, but time is a scarce resource during this time of the year and time to enjoy the weather is not what I have. I am working intense with my bachelor partner to write our project on Tivoli (www.tivoli.dk). Today was a really good day, and we are moving forward in our writing process. The project will be put on hold for the next week since another exam is coming up. It is an oral defense of the project I made with another group right before Easter about tourism. There is a lot of catching up to do and making a perfect presentation will take a lot of time.

I am still in doubt of which graduate program to do, but I have narrowed it down to two:

- Management of Innovation and Business Development
- Accounting, Strategy, and Control

They are both two years program, but the third semester is only elective, which I most likely will take at a university abroad, and the forth and final semester is to write my Master thesis, this means that it is only the first two semester that are different. I have 2 months before I have to decide.

Good luck to everyone who has exams during the spring.

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