Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Easter

I thought I would give you all a small update on what I spend my time on.

I have no more classes this year, only an oral defense and my Bachelor project, which I am writing together with Christel. However, since Christel is skiing in Austria I am spending most of my time on during all the things that I have not have had time to during the past couple of weeks where exams have been the primary focus. So now I am hanging out with my buddies in our apartment and working hard at Here in the apartment we enjoy watching soccer, Friends, Scrubs, Spin City, How I met you mother, and trying to keep the apartment nice…

We have had a couple of pre-party dinners lately including last Saturday, and we have another one tomorrow, which I am sure is going to be a lot of fun. We always enjoy some nice dinner, most often made by Kritte, and than we enjoy Lasse’s great taste of music while we dance – sweet.

Friday I am heading back to my parents house to do all the practical stuff such as making the garden look nice, clean gutters, and other stuff that is a lot easier for me to do than for them. We will of course also relax since it is a holiday. Sunday the weather will hopefully be nice, since we are playing flag football, and later I will join the majority of my family for Easter lunch at my parents’ house.

Next week focus is back on the bachelor project, with a small eruption of a seminar, which I have been asked to speak at. We are now 5 students who are to give a presentation on how to young people think, and how CBS (Copenhagen Business School) can help future students choose the right program, and how to sustain them and decrease dropouts. About 45 people will be attending the seminar, who all are program directors, so hopefully they will lesson and find our input valuable and interesting.

Anyway, I wish you all a happy Easter. I hope that you will have nice weather wherever you are in the world and that you will have an opportunity to spend time with your families and friends.

Best regards Marc

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