Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More snow in CPH than in the Alpes!

Sunday was the most beautiful day for months. The sun was finally shining the whole day, and the sky was blue as the ocean. It was last day of football training camp, and it was perfect finally playing in the sun and not in the rain.

This morning the sun had gone on vacation again, and as a substitute clouds, with plenty of snow to make any ski resort a powder paradise, had arrived. It has been snowing the most of the day, and there is now more snow in CPH than anytime during the entire winter. Below is a picture from central Copenhagen of the small streets. This is one blok from our appartment.

Kritte, Lasse, and I was out shopping today in the nice weather!
I even think there is more new snow here than in the Alps. Speaking of the Alps, wow do I wish I was skiing now. I know I did a lot of skiing in Utah this winter, but I just really want to go again. It is not going to happen this season, but next season I will be back in Avoriaz, having a blast.

Hopefully with enough snow to play in the powder like these two below of me in Avoriaz two years ago!

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