Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Going to Madrid – day #1

It was the weekend before an exam; however, the exam was about tourism in Spain, so why not go there and visit Javier! Friday the 11th of April I went on a SAS flight to Madrid to visit Javier, whom I have not seen since I spent my summer of 2006 in Washington DC, where we both attended LADO Language College. In DC Javier and I did everything together and had a great time, now it was time to catch up and have a nice weekend.
Eating is very important – Javier loves food, especially Spanish food. I didn’t really know what Spanish food was except you can get Ta Pas, which I have never tried.

As you can see on the picture the food was great and we are having a good time.
Javier lives with his parents right outside Madrid in Alcobendas the city is still growing as you can see with all the construction in the horizon.
In the evening Javier and I went downtown to meet some of his friends, from right to left it is, Cata (Carlo), Musto (Danniel), Javier, Guiri (me).

Super nice friends and we had a lot of fun, especially when this girl and the other female bartenders started dancing on the bar.

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