Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time flies when you are having fun. (Meaning finals)

I had my last final last Friday, which was in Current Economic Problems. An exam that went well, I think, the essays was dealing with the cost of war, the huge problems with the underpaid workers in U.S., environmental costs, and sports economics. I am glad that all my courses are over, but I will miss them all. I have learned and acquired valuable knowledge that has not only made me understand the American culture better by widening my perspective and perception of the world, but I now have tools that I will be able too utilize in school, career, and in my personal life.

I was blessed with being in classes where people contributed and with professors that not only were amazing teachers, but also had a theoretical and empirical knowledge that I have never experienced before.

My parents are now with me here in Salt Lake. I enjoy having them here and showing them around. Right now they arte taking a nap before we are going to dinner.

Yesterday we, my parents, Manuel, and I went to Park City where I was competing in a Slalom race. It was beautiful weather in Park City and I am glad that my parents got to meet Manuel. The race it self did not go well, I just can not find my rhythm, but hopefully I will find it in January when I return to SnowBird (Ski resort 35 minutes from SLC) Racing Club. I have made some good friends in the race Club, especially Ryan better known as Pearl. I will be skiing with him in January, hanging out with him, and most likely getting yelled ad when he is instructing me.

We still have a lot of things we need to do before going to Washington D.C. I will soon be back.

Ciao Marc

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