Sunday, December 02, 2007

The snow came - going skiing

Finaly the snow came, and as you can see on the pictures it made campus so beautiful. I went skiing yesterday with Conner and his friend at Brighton ski resort. It was nice being out on the skis again.

The next two weeks are going to be the most busy ones with school, including: A big paper, final presentation and frour exams. I will try to post, but might not have time before my parrents arrives on the 16th, but stay tunes, you never know if I find a couple of minutes a day to write about the snow, bowling - ohh, I got 156 the other day, and 149 yesterday. Nice.

Anyway - take care.

1 comment:

Branko L. said...

We'll have to go celebrate finishing International Marketing sometime soon..
See you Thursday..