Saturday, December 08, 2007

Second time at the ER!

I really like the people at the ER, so when playing soccer on concrete I choose to trip over the ball and fall on my hip to have an excuse to go there and watch some TV.
I was thinking about a good headline for this post, other options were, Marc 0 vs. Concrete 1, don’t try to land only on your hip, if you don’t have a TV than you should just…, don’t have enough paint to paint your body red for a Utes came – go fall at the field house!
Anyway – I have a Hematoma, which is caused by damaging the small blood vessels around the hip, which have made the blood leak into the tissues.
I will be skiing tomorrow, with the help from the doctors that gave me some nice painkillers (acetaminophen-hydrocodone). I have three finals next week and than I am done with school – jubii.

I will back soon again. In the mean time – don’t try and do what I am doing, even though I am having the time of my life, he he.

Ciao - Marc

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