Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas gift

Paul, Jim, my parents, and I had a very nice Christmas Eve where we exchanged gifts. I also received some late birthday presents that my parents had brought from Denmark. Below are a few of them. Thank you all for some wonderful presents.
Nice new goggles from my parents. I can't wait to get back to SLC and try them out.
New mittens from my parents to protect my hands when racing and to avoid freezing.
A gift from my dad - well, I kind of told him to get me it :-)

Got these glasses from my parent as a birthday present - very nice!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

New Year in DC – GO REDSKINS.

Change of plans, I am staying in DC for New Years because of two things. First of all I can have New Year with Manuel who is coming here, and there is suppose to be a lot more going on in DC than in Salt Lake. Second of all, Redskins are playing the Cowboys on the 30th, so I better be here and try to get some tickets. Speaking of Redskins, I went to the store at Ballston mall today where I met Derrick, whom I also talk to in August. He could actually remember me, and we talked about how the Redskins better stop Mr. Petersen and beat the Vikings.

Meeting Scott

After dinner with Diana, I went to Georgetown to meet with Scott. Scott was my teacher at LADO when I lived at Jim and Paul’s place during the summer of ’06. Scott and I became good friends and we have stayed in contact even when he moved to Korea where he found his wonderful wife Lana, whom I also met last night. We went to Old Glory and had a few beers. It was nice to catch up and see Scott again, however, someone was missing. This was the first time I went out in DC without having my buddy Javier with me. Javier – you better come here soon and join us, it is not the same without you, and Jill and Ali better also come - I miss you all.

Dinner with Diane, Jim, and Paul.

Yesterday Diana came over for dinner, once again Jim had made a wonderful dinner, and lots of old memories were shared from when Jim worked at the US Embassy in Copenhagen in the ‘60. Diana was, just as we, amazed by how beautiful Paul had decorated the house, just look at the magnificent Christmas tree in the back.

Dinner with Okland

The last night before my parents and I were to DC we had dinner with some of the Okland family. Sandra and Randy took us to the Country Club, and Meghan, Chris and Hailey joined us. We had a nice time, and we went home to Sandra and Randy after dinner, where they gave me a Christmas gift, they got me a Utah Jazz bag with my name on, a basketball, and an Okland watch. Thank you so much Sandra and Randy. Merry Christmas to all Oklands.

After dinner my parents and I went to Temple Square to see the beautiful lights.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Final grades are in!

School is over and the final grades have been posted on the university’s website. I am proud of my grades, which turned out to give me a GPD of 3.7: U.S. Economic history (B+), International Marketing (A-), Human Behavior (A-), Current Economic Problems (A). I would normally not post my grades on the blog, but to be honest; I have worked hard for them and I am very glad, satisfied, and happy.

Friday, December 21, 2007

In DC – True Burgundy and Gold!

My parents and I have now arrived safely in D.C.. However, it looked to be a long journey to get here. Delta called Thursday morning three hours before our flight was to departure and informed us that it was cancelled, and that they had changed our reservation, so that we now had to stop in Phoenix and Cincinnati before coming to DC many hours later than expected! However, when we came to the check-in counter we were told that another flight was leaving for Dulls. (The international airport in DC) It was leaving in 30 minutes and the security line was long. We said we wanted to go for it, and we made 5 minutes before it was to departure.

It is always a pleasure to stay at Jim and Paul’s house and we are looking forward to a nice Christmas with them. There is no snow here, but their house is decorated lovely and there is always some nice classical Christmas music playing.

Redskins are playing on Sunday in a must-win game against the Vikings. My bruise has changed colours and I am now true burgundy and gold as you can see.

Take care everyone.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time flies when you are having fun. (Meaning finals)

I had my last final last Friday, which was in Current Economic Problems. An exam that went well, I think, the essays was dealing with the cost of war, the huge problems with the underpaid workers in U.S., environmental costs, and sports economics. I am glad that all my courses are over, but I will miss them all. I have learned and acquired valuable knowledge that has not only made me understand the American culture better by widening my perspective and perception of the world, but I now have tools that I will be able too utilize in school, career, and in my personal life.

I was blessed with being in classes where people contributed and with professors that not only were amazing teachers, but also had a theoretical and empirical knowledge that I have never experienced before.

My parents are now with me here in Salt Lake. I enjoy having them here and showing them around. Right now they arte taking a nap before we are going to dinner.

Yesterday we, my parents, Manuel, and I went to Park City where I was competing in a Slalom race. It was beautiful weather in Park City and I am glad that my parents got to meet Manuel. The race it self did not go well, I just can not find my rhythm, but hopefully I will find it in January when I return to SnowBird (Ski resort 35 minutes from SLC) Racing Club. I have made some good friends in the race Club, especially Ryan better known as Pearl. I will be skiing with him in January, hanging out with him, and most likely getting yelled ad when he is instructing me.

We still have a lot of things we need to do before going to Washington D.C. I will soon be back.

Ciao Marc

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Second time at the ER!

I really like the people at the ER, so when playing soccer on concrete I choose to trip over the ball and fall on my hip to have an excuse to go there and watch some TV.
I was thinking about a good headline for this post, other options were, Marc 0 vs. Concrete 1, don’t try to land only on your hip, if you don’t have a TV than you should just…, don’t have enough paint to paint your body red for a Utes came – go fall at the field house!
Anyway – I have a Hematoma, which is caused by damaging the small blood vessels around the hip, which have made the blood leak into the tissues.
I will be skiing tomorrow, with the help from the doctors that gave me some nice painkillers (acetaminophen-hydrocodone). I have three finals next week and than I am done with school – jubii.

I will back soon again. In the mean time – don’t try and do what I am doing, even though I am having the time of my life, he he.

Ciao - Marc

Sunday, December 02, 2007

The snow came - going skiing

Finaly the snow came, and as you can see on the pictures it made campus so beautiful. I went skiing yesterday with Conner and his friend at Brighton ski resort. It was nice being out on the skis again.

The next two weeks are going to be the most busy ones with school, including: A big paper, final presentation and frour exams. I will try to post, but might not have time before my parrents arrives on the 16th, but stay tunes, you never know if I find a couple of minutes a day to write about the snow, bowling - ohh, I got 156 the other day, and 149 yesterday. Nice.

Anyway - take care.