Saturday, September 15, 2007

Utes win 3-2 (Women’s soccer )

Manuel, Jamie, and I went to support the women’s soccer team last night. The game was delayed one and a half hour because of lightning. The girls played well, and got in front 1-0. In the second half Idaho State fought back and got the lead, 1-2. In the last 15 minutes Utah was controlling the game and they un-leashed one attack after another, and 5 minutes before the end they got the equalizer.
In America there has to be a winner and a looser, so no tied games. We went into overtime and Golden Goal. After 10 minutes Utah made a beautiful setup for the final goal, using the flanks and scoring to the delight of the majority of the fans.
I am leaving in 10 minutes for the Utes football game – GO UTES.

There is a lot of studying; I am working hard on an assignment about corruption and legal aspect in relation to exporting to Argentina. But I will try to post as much as I can, especially with the Redskins winning on Monday and with Elin, Louise, and I going to Las Vegas next weekend. Anyone who has been in Las Vegas, please send me tips on where to go and what to see – thank you.

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