Wednesday, September 12, 2007

$=help, and study hard!

I received a wonderful email this morning; telling me that I have received a grant. The money is needed, and will contribute significantly to my stay here.

All of my classes are up to full speed and there is a lot of studying to be done. In Human behaviour I had a midterm last week and scored 85 %, which is around B or B+. Being my first midterm here I am satisfied with the result, but I will have to work harder for the next exam.

In international marketing I will do a presentation with my group on Thursday on the dispute between U.S. and Vietnam on catfish imports. We also have to have the first part of our International Marketing Brief done for Monday.

Next week I will have a midterm in Current Economic Problems, the test will primarily be about economic terms that I know. But to remember 8 chapters of terms takes preparation.

The picture below is from my walk home from U.S. Economic History, which is really interesting. There are still a couple of weeks before the first test, which is nice with all the work that I have in the other classes.
That was a small update on my four classes here. During this week a lot of the intramural sport starts and I am looking forward to working out somewhere else than the gym. (I will actually go to the gym tomorrow morning at 7 AM with Manuel – we do that every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)

Take care


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