Monday, September 24, 2007

LAS VEGAS is Awesome

The two days in Vegas were unbelievable. I loved it. And, it did not make the trip worse that I actually left Vegas with plus $450 – from the roulette table!!
I am so glad I went on this trip, and would very much like to go back to Vegas again.

I have uploaded a lot of photos from the trip – go check them out in the online photo album.

Below is the New York – New York complex – I went on the rollercoaster, which goes all the way around it.
MGM Grand is the biggest Hotel, and it is where I hit number 5 in roulette, and had my entire trip paid for.
Cesar Palace – is huge and they had a great buffet.
Here I am eating king crab from Alaska from the Cesar buffet.

The Bellagio is one of the most prestige places in Vegas. I played my last game of roulette there – and made $20 become a $100!!
Now it is back to the books. I have two very important midterms on Thursday, therefore I will not write on the blog before after Thursday – except if something totally crazy/important happens.

Take care everyone – and go to Las Vegas if you ever get the chance!


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