Sunday, July 26, 2009

24 hours!!!

Better get those things packed, so that I can watch the Formula 1 race today. I really hope Masse will be fine, but it is hard to know as mixed information is given depending on the source. Some say his conditions still are life threatening and other says he is fine!

Yesterday's stage in the tour de france was a total anticlimax compared to the previous mountain stages where the Schleck brothers has thrilled the cycling world with eminent tactics and abilities. It would almost have been too good to be true if they could have pulled another one of yesterday, but not as unreal as Contador's time trial a few days ago. Contador is for sure doped, but maybe he is using a new supplement that is hard to trace or maybe the tour organization just wants to have a "clean" tour - I think it is rubbish, as everyone knows that Contador is not clean, and the tour is loosing integrity since it can't take down the ones that cheats.

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