Saturday, July 11, 2009

17 days and off we go...

Ok, I will admit that it was my initial idea to write something each day for the countdown towards my departure from Denmark, but lets be honest, with most of my time being spend on working and my master thesis I don't think that I can keep your interested on a daily basis. So, I will just try to post as often as possible.

Got my business cards from - perfect concept. Just go to their web page and design your cards and they will ship it. I did take the express delivery since I needed them now (was about €30), and I got them Friday, having ordered them Tuesday evening. The cards are printed nice and feels good and they come in a convenient box made out of 100% recycled paper. I chose to have the cards also to be environmental friendly so they are also made of 100% recycled paper. Below is a picture of the card and the box. (I apologize for the poor quality)
For those of you who are still wondering what it takes to make a great business card take a look at the movie below - I know that I still have a long way to go to get to his point!

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