Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday morning in DC

I'm now adapted to the time difference, and is just enjoying being here. Did a little bit of shopping yesterday, but nothing big like in the past where the trunk of Jim's cars has been packed.

I am still spending time on planning the next few weeks and other practical stuff to make sure that the next few weeks will rock.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

But who is going to mow the lawn when I'm not home??

Well, don't worry. My parents are not going to call any of you out there to ask you to do it, they have a robot. They don't have to think about, the lawn is always mowed and is looking great.
Here is a picture of the robot it is docking station.

Last night out with the boys in DK

So, last Friday I met with some friends from way back, and it was nice to be able to say goodbye to them. In the picture below it is from left to right: Kritte, me, Bernhard, Lasse, and Mikkel.
Thank you guys for a fun night.

I'm in DC

I arrived safely yesterday and is trying to adopt to the time difference. Not much has happened since my arrival, but I did go to Pentagon City and to Ballston to do some shopping, but didn't get anything special, only a travel organizer, some socks, and the latest business week issue.

More news, and more fun news will hopefully follow soon.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

24 hours!!!

Better get those things packed, so that I can watch the Formula 1 race today. I really hope Masse will be fine, but it is hard to know as mixed information is given depending on the source. Some say his conditions still are life threatening and other says he is fine!

Yesterday's stage in the tour de france was a total anticlimax compared to the previous mountain stages where the Schleck brothers has thrilled the cycling world with eminent tactics and abilities. It would almost have been too good to be true if they could have pulled another one of yesterday, but not as unreal as Contador's time trial a few days ago. Contador is for sure doped, but maybe he is using a new supplement that is hard to trace or maybe the tour organization just wants to have a "clean" tour - I think it is rubbish, as everyone knows that Contador is not clean, and the tour is loosing integrity since it can't take down the ones that cheats.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hamstring injury!!

I finally feel as a real football player as I have been put on injured reserve for the remaining part of the season with a hamstring injury!! Some might argue that it is more of a political statement, since the real reason for me not to play anymore for Koalas this season is because of my overseas activities in USA and Canada. I do have a hamstring injury, but I hope to get rid of it in a few weeks and be able to compete in Canada when the Flag football league starts up.

Got a Danish flag today - here we go Denmark, I'm ready to cheer for the danish athletes at the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Car ready! 4 days..... but so much to do.

There is only 4 days until I leave and it is getting close. Today I made the reservation for our car in San Francisco - road trip - yeah!

Got up at 6AM this morning to interview some of the Novozymes employees in Australia and will do the same tomorrow, there are simply no reasons for not loving to your master thesis project!!

It is going to be some fully packed days the next three ones before I leave on Monday, but tomorrow evening it is all about take it easy with the buys and just having fun.

Have to get some sleep - ciao.

Saying goodbye to the family and catching up..

The day of my departure is getting close - 5 days and I am on my way!! Therefore we had a small family get together thing at my parents house for some snacks to say goodbye. At the same time we did some catching up, which includes the news on Stina being #21 in a Danish model contest to feature on the cover of M. M is a mens magazine like FHM, which some of you might know. Below is a picture of her, and judging from that I don't think her good result came as a surprise.
(73 Stina-Barbara Forsidejagten 2009)
I really enjoy spending time with my family and will for sure miss them when being away for 7 months. However, I am expecting it to be easier if I can catch them on skype and see their happy faces.

Have to get up at 5.30AM to interview some researchers in Australia, so I better get some sleep.

Remember to come back for news as the frequency of posts will increase as I start my journey.

Ohh, and remember to follow the Tour de France - that is some good television.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Meeting Elin, Louise, Alex, and Dave in Malmö

So, last night I went to Malmö to visit Elin and Alex to say goodbye before leaving for Canada, and to give them a small present and greeting from Manuel and I, who unfortunately cannot make it to their wedding. The great thing was that Dave was in town visiting Louise, so they joined us and we had a great night.

I'm loosing my touch for kodak moments, but I hope to regain it whit in the next week before leaving Denmark. But without the Kodak touch last night I didn't came to think about photos before after Dave and Louise left, so I only got a photo of Elin, Alex and I, but what a nice one. The picture is taken at Cuba Cafe in Folkets Park.

We went to TG Fridays or something, not a bad place, but the steak I got was not good, and nothing compared to the steaks you get in the US.

I might already leave next Sunday, so I have a lot of things to do before then, so I better get back to my master thesis.


Monday, July 13, 2009

15 days.... Boston and Vegas hotel booked!

15 days until I leave Denmark for 7 months in North America.

Yesterday I met up with Kritte and Micheal, whom are going to join me for three weeks in America. We have booked hotels in Boston (Omni Park Hotel) and in Vegas (Caesar Palace). We were suppose to book the rental car also, but when the option of having a Camaro for a few days become evident, we couldn't decide what to do. There isn't much time before i leave, so I expect us to take a decision soon, I'm kind of hoping for a full size car like the Chevy Impala, but how much bigger than a Pontiac G6 is the Impala??

Anyway, got to get back to work only three days more and than I will leave Nonoba, which I'm sure that Oliver, Chris and Gustaf will make a success.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

17 days and off we go...

Ok, I will admit that it was my initial idea to write something each day for the countdown towards my departure from Denmark, but lets be honest, with most of my time being spend on working and my master thesis I don't think that I can keep your interested on a daily basis. So, I will just try to post as often as possible.

Got my business cards from - perfect concept. Just go to their web page and design your cards and they will ship it. I did take the express delivery since I needed them now (was about €30), and I got them Friday, having ordered them Tuesday evening. The cards are printed nice and feels good and they come in a convenient box made out of 100% recycled paper. I chose to have the cards also to be environmental friendly so they are also made of 100% recycled paper. Below is a picture of the card and the box. (I apologize for the poor quality)
For those of you who are still wondering what it takes to make a great business card take a look at the movie below - I know that I still have a long way to go to get to his point!

Thursday, July 09, 2009

19 days and I'm gone....

I have 19 days left before I leave Denmark for 7 months in Canada (and USA). 19 days is not a lot, so I'm really excited, also because I will start out my 7 months with 5 weeks in America. However, before I can get 100% excited and ready I still need to finish some projects at work and work a lot on my master thesis. My master thesis is not suppose to be done this summer, my writing buddy and I just need to have completed 35 interviews with Novozymes before the end of September!!
Anyway, went shopping today with Oliver and got a pair of shoes for DKK 100. (Thats about USD 19). Here is a picture of them.
Have to hit the showers before my cousin will be here to cut my hair. I have just been out for a run where my parents joined me on their bikes.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Cleer Creak Ranch, Zion, Utah

No I am not in Utah now, but just found some old clips from when Elin, Manuel and I visited George in at his ranch with Jordan and Mike. What a great time. Just have a look at the video, and then you will just get a small idea of what we did there.

The music isn't working that well, should have taken something else.

I'm a mac!

Yes, I have converted. I am now a mac user and I love it. I have bought the MacBook Air, and what a sleek thing.
Everything is just working perfect, long battery, and it weights nothing. The previous movie from Park City was made on the air, and so will future movies. THe bad picture quality is due to it being recorded on digital cameras and not a video camera.

Snowboard boots with Alpine skis

I just found some old clips from Park City 2008, where we tried to switch between snowboard and alpine skis. And, yes I know that it says skies and not skis in the movie, I'm sorry. A few crashes in 48 seconds..... enjoy!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

This is what I am studying - Innovation

For all of you who are interested in innovation and the automotive industry - here is a great article that you should read:

But it is also an article that explains what it is that I am studying as terms as open innovation and modularity is explained very briefly. So, if you want to know what Cand.merc. MIB (Management of Innovation and Business Development) is about, well some of it is explained here in a simple way.

Course selection for UBC - done!

I have now chosen the 8 courses that I wish to take at UBC during my semester there in the fall. I am unfortunately not sure of getting those classes, but hopefully I will get my first priorities. Here are the classes that I have wished for:

  • Two-party negotiations
  • Managing Diversity
  • Brand Management
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Managing Business Information Technology Projects
  • Business Intelligence for Management
  • New Product Development
  • Database Marketing and Data Mining
See you in class fellow UBC MBAs in September.