Thursday, June 26, 2008

Backstage with Jason Mraz and Carlos Sosa

Christel and I went to Lille Vega to hear Jason Mraz ( and Groovelinehors ( play. It was an amazing concert; the atmosphere was great and the music perfect. I only recently got to know Mraz music, but what Christel told me was that his concerts are suppose to be fantastic – I can only agree. His songs we of course love, but it was his energy on the stage, the improvised small songs, the several solos from the band, and the crowd that loved the music, which all together made it perfect.

Here is a picture of Christel and me in front of the stage, might be hard to see, but there is only two rows of people in front of us, sweet.
Here are some photos of the concert in random order.
After the concert Christel and I got to talk to Carlos from the band, a really cool guy, who invited us backstage. It was a small cosy party with a nice relaxed atmosphere; we talk to most of the band and Jason. We both got our picture with Jason, whom was really cool about having us joining the party. Christel was very amazed when Jason came and said goodbye and remembered our names, so was I, but maybe not as much, since Jason seemed to me to be a really good guy with an incredible amount of creative skills.
We talked a lot with Carlos about almost everything from politics to his career. Carlos was really cool guy and introduced us to the rest of the band, I unfortunately did not get a picture with him, but maybe he will email me the one that he took.

Thank you Jason and Carlos for a great Wednesday night - See you in September, have fun on your tour.

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