Friday, April 25, 2008

Summer vacation on 2nd of June

We (Christel and I) have just received the wonderful news that our oral defense of our bachelor project will be on the 2nd of June. This means 3 months of summer vacation for me!!! I guess it will be a lot of work and some nice holidays including “Skanderborg Festval” (6 days musical festival), a trip to USA (I really hope), and what else come around.

Exams are over, but bachelor project is still on!

Last week I finished my last exams, now I only have my bachelor project to write and the defense of it. I am writing the project with Christel from my study program. We are writing about seasonal employees in Tivoli (The world oldest amusements park down, which is downtown Copenhagen) and tries to give them recommendations to their action plan for the next 10 years. We have to hand in the project on the 16th of May, and so far it is going pretty well. However, it is not going to be a walk in the park the next couple of weeks. We have a good project, but have come upon several problems with getting data from Tivoli, however, we both believe that we have a strong project and that our recommendations are very operational, easy to implement, which is what our advisor has emphasized that they have to be.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Beautiful music - take care of the kids, they are our future!

Heading home – day #4

Monday morning at it is timer to get back to Copenhagen to prepare for the exam.

Thank you very much Javier for a perfect weekend away.

Say hello to your family and say muchas gracias letting me stay at their place and being so nice.

See you in Denmark soon – Hasta Luego

Game time – day #3

It was Sunday and Javier had to play a soccer game for the local team and I went to watch it. They won 2-0, and Javier played very well.

We went bowling after the game, but I have apparently left all of my small talent for bowling in Utah. I only got 99, which I have not scored since I tried to do crazy throws at my farewell bowling party back in Utah.

Downtown Madrid – day #2

The weather in Denmark have been really bad for months, but in Madrid it was sunny and about 18 degrees (Celsius) I borrowed some shorts from Javier and we went downtown to see Madrid.
Downtown in between business buildings and everything else you find Estadio Santiago Bernabeu where Real Madrid plays. (Not as nice as Rice-Eccles Stadium – GO UTES)
Above is a beautiful buildings on Calle Serrano, which is one of a few streets where all the expensive shops are in Madrid. It was nice to walk around in the nice weather and a bit fun to see how different I looked to all the local people.

Several nice buildings, in nice weather – perfect.

After a lot of sightseeing we went back to Alcobendas to have lunch with the family and afterwards Javier’s girlfriend, Encina, came over. Below it is from left to right, Encina, Javier, Guiri (me), Gema (Javier’s sister), Maribel, Vicente. A very nice family that let me stay at their place and really let me experience the beautiful hospitality that they have in southern Europe.

After lunch Javier, Encina, and I went back to Madrid to do some more sightseeing
After see all of those beautiful and historical places it was time to get some food at a nice Spanish restaurant. We met up with Cata and his girlfriend, and one of Encina’s friends Laura and her boyfriend Jesus. We had a wonderful dinner, with good food and a lot of fun conversations.

Going to Madrid – day #1

It was the weekend before an exam; however, the exam was about tourism in Spain, so why not go there and visit Javier! Friday the 11th of April I went on a SAS flight to Madrid to visit Javier, whom I have not seen since I spent my summer of 2006 in Washington DC, where we both attended LADO Language College. In DC Javier and I did everything together and had a great time, now it was time to catch up and have a nice weekend.
Eating is very important – Javier loves food, especially Spanish food. I didn’t really know what Spanish food was except you can get Ta Pas, which I have never tried.

As you can see on the picture the food was great and we are having a good time.
Javier lives with his parents right outside Madrid in Alcobendas the city is still growing as you can see with all the construction in the horizon.
In the evening Javier and I went downtown to meet some of his friends, from right to left it is, Cata (Carlo), Musto (Danniel), Javier, Guiri (me).

Super nice friends and we had a lot of fun, especially when this girl and the other female bartenders started dancing on the bar.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I got my flight ticket – heading to Madrid!

Friday morning at 08:00 I will check-in for flight SK581 to Madrid – sweet. I am going to Madrid to visit Javier during the upcoming weekend. I met Javier in Washington D.C. when I lived there during the summer of 2006. I have not seen him since than and I am looking very much forward to do so, and hopefully we will be able to attend a Real Madrid game at Estadio Santiago Bernabeu.

I will of course upload pictures about the trip and try to keep the blog a little more updated.

Take it easy everyone.


Working on the Bachelor project

The weather is finally beginning to feel a little like spring, but time is a scarce resource during this time of the year and time to enjoy the weather is not what I have. I am working intense with my bachelor partner to write our project on Tivoli ( Today was a really good day, and we are moving forward in our writing process. The project will be put on hold for the next week since another exam is coming up. It is an oral defense of the project I made with another group right before Easter about tourism. There is a lot of catching up to do and making a perfect presentation will take a lot of time.

I am still in doubt of which graduate program to do, but I have narrowed it down to two:

- Management of Innovation and Business Development
- Accounting, Strategy, and Control

They are both two years program, but the third semester is only elective, which I most likely will take at a university abroad, and the forth and final semester is to write my Master thesis, this means that it is only the first two semester that are different. I have 2 months before I have to decide.

Good luck to everyone who has exams during the spring.