Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Easter

I thought I would give you all a small update on what I spend my time on.

I have no more classes this year, only an oral defense and my Bachelor project, which I am writing together with Christel. However, since Christel is skiing in Austria I am spending most of my time on during all the things that I have not have had time to during the past couple of weeks where exams have been the primary focus. So now I am hanging out with my buddies in our apartment and working hard at Here in the apartment we enjoy watching soccer, Friends, Scrubs, Spin City, How I met you mother, and trying to keep the apartment nice…

We have had a couple of pre-party dinners lately including last Saturday, and we have another one tomorrow, which I am sure is going to be a lot of fun. We always enjoy some nice dinner, most often made by Kritte, and than we enjoy Lasse’s great taste of music while we dance – sweet.

Friday I am heading back to my parents house to do all the practical stuff such as making the garden look nice, clean gutters, and other stuff that is a lot easier for me to do than for them. We will of course also relax since it is a holiday. Sunday the weather will hopefully be nice, since we are playing flag football, and later I will join the majority of my family for Easter lunch at my parents’ house.

Next week focus is back on the bachelor project, with a small eruption of a seminar, which I have been asked to speak at. We are now 5 students who are to give a presentation on how to young people think, and how CBS (Copenhagen Business School) can help future students choose the right program, and how to sustain them and decrease dropouts. About 45 people will be attending the seminar, who all are program directors, so hopefully they will lesson and find our input valuable and interesting.

Anyway, I wish you all a happy Easter. I hope that you will have nice weather wherever you are in the world and that you will have an opportunity to spend time with your families and friends.

Best regards Marc

Traffic jam!

Some say we have a huge traffic problem in Copenhagen, and I totally agree, but relative to China it might not be that big. The picture below is from Xiamen in China.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

12-hours later and the sun is back!

12 hours has passed since I last posted, and look how beautiful the weather is now. What a shame that I have to be at work, even though it is really interesting.

More snow in CPH than in the Alpes!

Sunday was the most beautiful day for months. The sun was finally shining the whole day, and the sky was blue as the ocean. It was last day of football training camp, and it was perfect finally playing in the sun and not in the rain.

This morning the sun had gone on vacation again, and as a substitute clouds, with plenty of snow to make any ski resort a powder paradise, had arrived. It has been snowing the most of the day, and there is now more snow in CPH than anytime during the entire winter. Below is a picture from central Copenhagen of the small streets. This is one blok from our appartment.

Kritte, Lasse, and I was out shopping today in the nice weather!
I even think there is more new snow here than in the Alps. Speaking of the Alps, wow do I wish I was skiing now. I know I did a lot of skiing in Utah this winter, but I just really want to go again. It is not going to happen this season, but next season I will be back in Avoriaz, having a blast.

Hopefully with enough snow to play in the powder like these two below of me in Avoriaz two years ago!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Exam is done and video from Madeleine Albrights visit at CBS

Our case exam was handed in Thursday 10AM, and I am glad it was over, even though some might argue that it is really fun to compare statistics about tourism in Spain and Latvia, I just don't think it is that fun!

Copy the link below to an internet browser and watch Madeleine Albright's speech. It is very interesting.

Now it is time to focus on training camp for the falg football team and working. Remember to go by when ever you need a break and just want to play some casual games.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Exam in the command center

I am right now in the middle of writing a 72-hour case exam with my group.

Here, I am sitting in the command center analysing the tourist development of Spain and Latvia, which kind of interesting, but the rest of the exams question are such a low level that we are having a hard time being motivated.
Anyway – better get back to the analyses.



Friday, March 07, 2008

Visiting high school friend who have become a father!

Lasse (Black shirt) and I went down to Næstved to visit our good friend Andreas and his coming wife Maria. They just got a little baby boy last Sunday, whom will be named Aksel.

It might be hard to see on the photos, but he was very pretty. It was great to see them all three.
It was also the first time Lasse and I saw there new house, which Andreas have been working very hard on while Maria has been pregnant. The bathroom was so cool, and he made it all by himself.
A black toilet – that’s sweet.

Former U.S. Secretary of state Madeleine Albright comes to Copenhagen.

This year Copenhagen Business Schools has its 90 years anniversary, which together with a lot of networking have let to some very interesting guest speakers, also including Sir Giddens.

Madeleine Albright was a great speaker, and as she said: “the fun part about giving speeches now when I now in office, I can say whatever I want”. Which she also did on several issues, especially on whether there actually had been an election in Russia, which she believed to be totally fake, and would not be surprised it Putin would become president soon again. I know the speech was video recorded and I hope to find soon, when I do I will post it here on the blog.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A little something that I thought about today!

Life is about living in the moment where you can change the path of the future and not letting you be guided in the moment by a future that no one can foresee. All we can do is to take what we have today and build upon it with the things we have learned through life. We might not know what we are building, how to do it, but the important thing is that we are moving forward with what we have, and not stopping because something in the future might come in the way. If we don’t dream or live in the moment we become slaves of our own prediction of destiny and not the creator of our own destiny and life.

Masked Ball

A big ball had been arranged downtown Copenhagen last Saturday. Our apartment was once again hosting the dinner, which was rather crowded with twenty something people in our small kitchen. We had a great time and everyone looked great, especially the girls. I think I prefer dress Thursday instead of casual Thursday in regards to dress codes at work.

Coming home party

We had a small get together dinner thing a few weeks ago, where some of my study-buddies came to my place and joined Kritte, Lasse, and I for some food. We had a great night, and it was so nice to see everyone again.

First snow in CPH in 2008!!

After the beautiful weather yeasterday it started snowing after the sun went down, but this morning the sun was back.

The building is part of Copenhagen Business School campus.

Swans and sun in CPH

Walking home yesterday I suddenly found my self next to some beautiful swans and the sun was shinning for the first time in weeks.

These lakes are downtown Copenhagen and only five minutes from my place.