Thursday, July 05, 2007

Visit at the US embassy in CPH

Tuesday I visited the US embassy to get my visa. A lot of security of cause, which seemed unprofessional as it was just a Danish security company taken care of it. If you want me to feel protected and keep the bad guys away, whoever that might be, you better have some US marines standing their. I can't really take it serious when a Danish man in a raincoat is telling me to step down from the stairs and form a line - of cause I did what he told me, but other people might not follow his orders that were expressed rude!

Anyway - I got to hand in my papers, and they will mail me my passport in two weeks with a visa inside it.

By the way: if any of you out there is wondering where all the rain is, well - than I can inform you that it is in CPH!!!!


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