Tuesday, July 31, 2007

10 days and I’m on my way!!

Yes, I will only spend 10 days more in Denmark before leaving and spending the rest of 2007 in USA. For once I will be in the USA to support my Redskins, play a lot of football, meet a ton of people, and ski until I can’t stand!! I am still surprised everyday how short time I have left before leaving on m biggest quest to fulfil a dream I have had since I can remember.

I am looking forward to meeting all the people I have skyped with for the past 6 months. I am just praying for some beautiful weather the last 10 days, especially Thursday next week where I will be attending my good friend Nima’s wedding – I better got check if my tuxedo is clean!

Take care

Impossible without friends

Yesterday I moved all of my things back to my parent’s house. I had expected it to take longer, but I am fortunate to have some super friends who like to workout!! We had to move everything from 6th floor, no elevator, to my parent’s attic.
After several boxes had been stored at my parents place some went out into the sun and played some soccer, while others relaxed with a beer.

Before dinner Andreas came with his future wife, it was really nice to see both of them, and I think they both enjoyed the evening with all the boys.

Thanks for the help boys.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

I support you Rasmussen

Call me naive, call me whatever you want, but I will support Rasmussen. I believe that this is a case of a rider planning everything except paper work. It is a big mistake and he should be punished, but this way is not fair. Totally unfair to treat him this way – I can only feel bad for him and his family while his biggest dream and biggest accomplishment is taken away from him. I am deeply disappointed by Rabobank –let him stay in the race.

I cannot imagine how bad he must feel now that his dream has been taken away – I hope that he will return next year and destroy all competition – I will cheer for him all the way.

Go Rasmussen


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

No pain - No game

That is how I feel after today’s football training. Jakob have got his hands on this wonderful running program where you run 200 meter - 1 minute break - run 200 meters and so on for a minimum of 12 times. Today I did 16 times and Jakob 20 - and what is hard about the exercise is that we have no more than 36 seconds to run the 200 meters, equal to an average speed of 20 Kilometres per hour.

I will sleep well tonight, and tomorrow I will have my last meeting at work - jubii.

Take care and remember to follow Rasmussen in le Tour - he will win it.


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Rasmussen cannot be a Dane!

Michael Rasmussen is making history these days in le Tour de France. He his biking like a Viking. He is the best prepared and he is a champion.
But his strong believe in himself is far from the Danish attitude where no one is suppose to believe that they are something special - he knows that he is something special, because he will win the Tour de France.

I am embarrassed by the awful timing and statements from the Danish cycling federation - he has done nothing wrong yet, but still they have to take some of the glory away from him!

Go for it Rasmussen - you have my support, and benefit of the doubt. Show them who the new king of Tour de France is.


Vacation is work

First week of vacation - well it should have been vacation, but I have to work one more day this week to finish the projects.

However, this first week of vacation includes a lot of work; I had to clean up my parent' attic to make room for all of my stuff when move back home. I have moved all of my personal belongings, such as paper stuff and my computer. During the week I will pass by the apartment to bring more stuff to my parent’s place, to reduce the load for Monday when I will move out – I live on the 6th floor with no elevator.

Anyway - better go to bed and get some sleep - more things to do tomorrow, including mowing the lawn.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

3 weeks!!!!

Only three weeks before I am on my way to the USA!

I have only a few days left at work, and I am looking forward to spending time with friends and family before leaving for my big adventure.

Sometimes, when daydreaming I can not really understand that I will be on my way in three weeks!!

Time is running and there is "men in trees" in the television!

Take care


Monday, July 09, 2007

Mr. Luux is here!!

Christian, who is working at BT (newspaper), is visiting me for the week while working here in CPH.
We are gonna follow the Tour de France, and hopefully the sun will soon make all the rain disappear.

I received my US-Visa, which is now attached to my passport.

I hope you all have noticed the new elements on the right hand side.

Take care


Thursday, July 05, 2007

US winning 6-1 nice goals

The email, and US 6 - 1 Poland

WOW - U-20 world cup in Canada is being broadcasted on Eurosport, and thank god for that. I watched US vs. Poland, probably one of the best games ever. US dominated 90 % of the game, and the goals were amazing.

Since I am getting closer to being done at work - 2 weeks more - I am working on "The Email". That is the email that I will email to everyone with info about the blog and that I will be cheering for Redskins and Lyngby all the way from Utah!! (Lyngby is a Danish soccer team, and Redskins is - well if you don't know you better tell your parents, friends, and school that they have done a bad job of raising you!!)

Some have received and email - lucky ones - I hope you are reading the blog and that it is not only my mom checking it daily!!

Rain - we still have it all in CPH - please send us some sunshine.


Call US

With all the rain we are getting here in CPH, it is time to pick up the headset and call your friends. I called Jill, whom I meet last summer while living in DC. She is studying in New Orleans, she asked me when I will visit her while being in Salt Lake city. I told her, to pick a date and I will be there.

I am really looking farward to meeting some of the people that I meet last year. Maybe Jill will join me for some skiing in January - that would be nice.

I also called Jim and Poul, friends of my father and the ones who let me stay at their place last summer. THANK YOU BOTH. I think that I will have a small "pit-stop" at their place when comming from CPH, and before continueing to Utah.


Visit at the US embassy in CPH

Tuesday I visited the US embassy to get my visa. A lot of security of cause, which seemed unprofessional as it was just a Danish security company taken care of it. If you want me to feel protected and keep the bad guys away, whoever that might be, you better have some US marines standing their. I can't really take it serious when a Danish man in a raincoat is telling me to step down from the stairs and form a line - of cause I did what he told me, but other people might not follow his orders that were expressed rude!

Anyway - I got to hand in my papers, and they will mail me my passport in two weeks with a visa inside it.

By the way: if any of you out there is wondering where all the rain is, well - than I can inform you that it is in CPH!!!!
