Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Another Mammoths flag football video with tribute to Greenzone

Mammoths flag football video

No change in luck, but life goes on!

Despite that my luck have not changed and I have found my bike, things are looking a little better now.

I have been able to sell my old Ferrari computer that a lot of my former fellow students know. It was used to make the unofficial movie from the introduction days in both 2005 and 2006.

I have bought a huge lock for my next bike and is also using it on my current bike. My current bike I have borrowed from some friends - it has two wheels and gets me around copenhagen, but besides that it is really a bike that needs to either be put to rest or needs a weekend spa at a repair and rebuild shop. But a big thanks to the owners for lending it to me.

Football has not been a lot better since last time, so at practice today I will just give it all I have and hopefully continue to improve. I really hope that I will find my game before it is too late in the season.

Holiday plans are about to be done, with a trip to Rome with the flag football team from the 8th-11th of July. The following week will be with the boys to Berlin for an extended weekend. And, finally in August I will attend Skanderborg Music festival.

Stay tuned, I will post two football movies later today.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Not the best time of my life...

The past few days have been hard. Last Thursday I got my bike stolen having parked and locked it on campus. I just spend 1200 dkk ($230) fixing it up for the summer. I have no insurrance, so getting a new bike is a big expense. Normally I would have an insurrance but since returning from Canada I just forgot all about it.

Sunday was Gameday with the flag football team. We won the first game huge, which was against one of our biggest rivals. The second game was against one of the lowest rank games and against some guys we really don't like. I did not perform well on defense and was partly the reason for us loosing. I have never in my life been so dissapointes with my performance and never before do I feel like I let down the team so much.

I hope to get some good news soon.


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