Saturday, August 01, 2009

First picture, SMART car, end of first leg

We finally got in to the center of DC. We stopped in front of Capital Hill and took a quick photo. The reason for my rather funny pose is due to my inability to count to 10, which is the amount of seconds I have from when I push the self-timer!!!!
Jim and Paul hosted a small dinner/cocktail party where some of their friends came over. Jim had made a nice dinner, and we all had a great time.

Paul also came home today with his new car - a Smart car. It is so nice, I will post a picture of it tomorrow before we leave for Boston.

Tomorrow will be the end of the first leg, and we will continue on to Boston where we will meet some of our American family, some of which I have never met.

Kritte and Michael are coming in on Thursday to Boston - I'm expecting a lot of posts after their arrival and the remaining weeks of August.

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