Monday, August 10, 2009

Freedom trail

Sightseeing in Boston is amazing, and here are a few photos.

Great dinner with James Ihedigbo's brother

First night in Boston demanded some good food. My parents, Paul, Kritte, Michael, and I went out and got some great food. K, M, and I all got a nice big steak.

The waiter was NFL player James Ihedigbo's brother, whom gave us excellent service. It was a rather fancy place where food was served with nice silver cover things to keep it all warm until everyone had their food served.

Testing the beds!

The beds looked so good that we decided to test them. Below is there a picture of our different styles. It is not hard to see that Michael is the most elegant of the three of us, however, Kritte appears to have a better "hang time" score.

Kritte and Michael is here

Kritte and Michael arrived in Boston today (6th aug).

MIT and Harvard

I went out to take a look at the MIT and Harvard campuses. I'm not sure what I expected, but I was a little bit disappointed especially the Harvard campus was nothing special. The MIT campus was old, but did have some very interesting labs, and I got information that I could take classes there, which I will have to look more into later.

Here I'm in front of the MIT main building:

Here I'm in the Harvard Yard in front a chapel.

In Boston

Came in to Boston on the 6th of August. Took a walk a long the waterfront and got a good view of the city.

Monday, August 03, 2009

at Webster Lake in NH

I'm now with my family in Webster Lake - finally got to meet the American side of my family.
On the way up here we got some clear evidence that we were heading into farmers land!

I went running in the morning and had to stop to say good morning to some squirrels.

Later I went canoeing with Greylin and Paul

On the other side of the lake we found a small family of bald-eagles - too bad I didn't have my dad with us and his cameras to take some better photos.

As you can see from the photos there was no sun yesterday, but this morning it looks great, so more pictures will follow.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

First picture, SMART car, end of first leg

We finally got in to the center of DC. We stopped in front of Capital Hill and took a quick photo. The reason for my rather funny pose is due to my inability to count to 10, which is the amount of seconds I have from when I push the self-timer!!!!
Jim and Paul hosted a small dinner/cocktail party where some of their friends came over. Jim had made a nice dinner, and we all had a great time.

Paul also came home today with his new car - a Smart car. It is so nice, I will post a picture of it tomorrow before we leave for Boston.

Tomorrow will be the end of the first leg, and we will continue on to Boston where we will meet some of our American family, some of which I have never met.

Kritte and Michael are coming in on Thursday to Boston - I'm expecting a lot of posts after their arrival and the remaining weeks of August.