Friday, June 19, 2009

The blog is alive again.....

YEAH - The blog is now alive again as I'm done with the exams and my first year of graduate school, the toughest year so far, but also the most rewarding.

I’m still waiting for the result of my written exam in Strategic Market Development, but got a 12 in Management Control and Finance, and 10 in my semester project on biogas, which was written in collaboration with Novozymes. The project was written in groups, so well done Tina and Chris, who were my partners. (For those unfamiliar with the Danish grading system; 12 is the highest grade and 10 second, the lowest is -3!!)

There is currently 5½ weeks until I'm leaving for my second time of exchange. This time I'm heading to University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Yeah, let’s go UBC Thunderbirds!!!

Before arriving at UBC I will be touring in the US. As some of you might have seen on Facebook a few weeks ago, is that I have released the Official Tour of Nyeland '09. I will describe it in a later post.

My parrents got some highflying small guests the other day

Keep coming back to the blog - the posts, pics and videos will now be dropping in regularly, and get ready for it to increase when I hit American soil, because there will be plenty to report about, especially when Kritte and Michael joins me for 3 weeks of fun and soleil... "10 miles from Vegas......." will be played several times when being on the road.

I will be back soon - keep it real :-)


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