Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformers – wow

I went to Imperial Movie Theater yesterday with Kritte to watch the new Transformer movie. I loved the first one, so my expectations were high. Transformers 2 is an awesome movie where the storyline does not become too complicated or too predictable.

A movie that I can’t wait to see again because of its several unique scenes that takes the audience from laughing to cheering. I can perfectly understand why some might hate this movie, but for me it is pure entertainment. One reasons is probably that inside me is still an 8 year old kid who loves machines and action. (To the MIB students out there – this is why I am a bit of a geek when it comes to technical matters!!)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson concert in Copenhagen

I'm really having a hard time expressing my feelings about his death, I guess it is partly becomes I have become used to ignoring all the negative things being said about him in the media and because it is so many years since he was at his peak. Some have tried to compare this with when Diana died, but it is not the same, because she died while peaking.

Yesterday a memorial concert was made at Rådhuspladsen (Town Hall square) in Denmark to celebrate the king of pop and the king of music. His music will for sure always be a part of me, and I feel will very fortunate for having seen a live performance by him when his history tour was in Copenhagen. Thank you mom and dad, who got me the tickets. I know that my mom took an additional lunch break, since the line was so big, so a big thanks to the girls at the SAS office for covering for her.

As soon as I have some pictures I will upload them here, including a small video from when thousands of people was sitting down on the town hall square for two minutes of silence to show our gratitude for all the great music MJ has given us, and to make sure that we will never forget him.

The concert became even more special as my good friend Vincent from Belgium was in town. I haven't seen him since January, so it was nice to see him again, and when I in the future will be looking back at time when MJ past away I will remember that I shared it with Vinny at the concert.

MJ - you will always be the king, and no one will ever get close to what you have accomplished. I will miss you and hope that you are somewhere better now with no pain.

Best regards,

Friday, June 19, 2009

The official Nyeland tour ’09

The official Nyeland tour ’09 has been released, so let me know if you are close bye at some of the stops.

  • 28th Jul – 1st Aug: Washington DC
  • 1st Aug– 6th Aug: Webster Lake
  • 6th Aug – 10th Aug: Boston
  • 10th Aug – 15th Aug: San Francisco
  • 15th Aug – 20th Aug: Lake Thao, Yosemite, Death Valley, LA
  • 20th Aug – 24th Aug: Las Vegas
  • 24th Aug – 1st Sep: Utah
1st of September I will be in Vancouver and then it is all about UBC……. GO Thunderbirds!!

The blog is alive again.....

YEAH - The blog is now alive again as I'm done with the exams and my first year of graduate school, the toughest year so far, but also the most rewarding.

I’m still waiting for the result of my written exam in Strategic Market Development, but got a 12 in Management Control and Finance, and 10 in my semester project on biogas, which was written in collaboration with Novozymes. The project was written in groups, so well done Tina and Chris, who were my partners. (For those unfamiliar with the Danish grading system; 12 is the highest grade and 10 second, the lowest is -3!!)

There is currently 5½ weeks until I'm leaving for my second time of exchange. This time I'm heading to University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Yeah, let’s go UBC Thunderbirds!!!

Before arriving at UBC I will be touring in the US. As some of you might have seen on Facebook a few weeks ago, is that I have released the Official Tour of Nyeland '09. I will describe it in a later post.

My parrents got some highflying small guests the other day

Keep coming back to the blog - the posts, pics and videos will now be dropping in regularly, and get ready for it to increase when I hit American soil, because there will be plenty to report about, especially when Kritte and Michael joins me for 3 weeks of fun and soleil... "10 miles from Vegas......." will be played several times when being on the road.

I will be back soon - keep it real :-)
