Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back in my room and meeting new people

I moved back into my room Friday the 4th, and wow that was nice to be back. I was, however, thinking about leaving Salt Lake right away again to go to Seattle to see the Wildcard game between my Redskins and Seattle Seahawks, but was unable to get everything planed. Redskins lost the game, but had their chance of winning, but they simply did not execute well enough. My biggest concern is, however, that Joe Gibbs has retired and we now need to find a new head coach, whom I hope to be Greg Williams.

Sunday same week Manuel and I met two Dutch girls on the way back from Smith’s (Super marked), and we went to the Pie with them and Manuel’s two Germans friends Matthias and Felix. We had a fun evening, and I planned to go skiing with the guys the whole week, and what a week it turned out to be.

On the way home we took a little fun photo, and you are right – it is Manuel’s legs you can see and not his head.

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