Monday, November 05, 2007

I talked to Bill Clinton!!

After his impressive speech, former President Clinton walked a long the stage as a rock star. Everyone wanted to shake his hand, take pictures and have him sign his book. But that was not what I wanted. During his speech he mentioned Denmark, my country, as a great example and a country to follow, because of our increase in wealth, but decrease in inequality, no increase in consumption of energy, and 25 % of the energy in Denmark comes from windmills. I have never been as proud of being a Dane than when he said: “In tiny Denmark..”. Therefore what I wanted was to talk to the President about that. I got in line and shock his hand, but he could not hear that I said I was from Denmark. But you should never give up without doing everything you can, so I got in line again further down the fence, and this time he could hear me. We talked for what seam to be 5 minutes, but was probably only 1 or 2. It was amazing standing there talking with him, well he did most of the talking, but wow it was cool.

Listen to the part of his speech about sustainability and Denmark on the video below. (approximately 2 minutes)
See his entire speach on the following link:

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