Monday, July 05, 2010

Sun, Rome, Berlin, thesis, the World Cup, Tour de France

Finally the clouds went away and the sun has now become a regularity here in Copenhagen. The temperature has jumped and all my windows now have to be open during the night to keep my apartment cool.

I'm heading to Rome on Thursday with the flag football team to play in the Champions Bowl. I will try to post as much as I can from the event, but my focus will be on playing and for us to win the tournament.

The following week I will be in Berlin with Bernhard, Lasse and Magnus.

The world cup is coming to an end and for now I am beating Bernhard big time in our fantasy league.

The tour (le Tour de France) started Saturday and I am once again in the fantasy league and all ready in a close race with my good friend Anders. We have done it a few years, but nothing will beat the first year we did it in 2007. I ended up being the fifth best in Denmark and won a bike!

That is all for now, but with traveling coming up, there is bound the be a lot of pictures soon to the posted here.
